Hi everyone,
We have had one space open for AquaCamps next week (Aug 17-21) for any age group, and two spaces available for Aug 24-28. Please contact campsandclubs@ocean.org or call 604-659-3493 if you are interested in booking a spot - we are hoping to have a full summer!

Hailey & the AquaCamps Team
Hi everyone,
We have some exciting news! We are able to offer more spaces for our AquaCamps program on August 31 - September 4th as an event previously scheduled for this week has cancelled. Registration is now available on the camp website - please email campsandclubs@ocean.org if you experience difficulties while registering.
4-8 year olds = 12 spots
8-12 year olds = 10 spots

We have also had a few cancellations for our remaining weeks of camp, so if you are interested in another week, send us an email and we can add you to our waitlist :)
Hailey Renaud
Via interactive video talks and activities youth will learn about marine and terrestrial ecology, community science and connection to place.
From blobfish and plankton, to bats and berries. Join the Stanley Park Ecology Society and Ocean Wise for a journey from the depths of the ocean to tree tops in a virtual summer camp engaging youth on local habitats and how to get involved to help protect them. We will explore nature around us through art, activities, short presentations, Q&A and more. What challenges do these ecosystems face? How can we use community science to make a difference? Find out on our journey through nature from home!
Join for single days or the whole week! Each day, participants will be given an optional activity to do on their own in the afternoon. There will be an optional session in the afternoon to come back and share what you did, or if you are participating the whole week, you can share in the break-out session the following day.
BOOK TICKETS HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ocean-depths-to-tree-tops-a-virtual-summer-camp-tickets-113019303780?fbclid=IwAR0sGIt1OEkwUOa4VcYHqJ6ZA-aTHgH3N1NHtef_6YHpYdWI9Lrb7bXfKfg
Ages: 11-15
Platform: Zoom
Dates: August 17-21, 2020
Daily Schedule:
9:30 -11:30 am -
Welcome, Group Sharing, short solo activity, learning sessions from SPES and Ocean Wise, and an introduction into an optional activity to do in the afternoon!
11:30 am - 12:00 pm -
Optional Q&A session
12:00 - 2:15 pm -
Lunch and optional activity time
2:15 pm -
Optional sharing session for single day participants
Daily Descriptions:
Day 1 – Sea to Sky
On day one, we will explore the different spaces that plants and animals inhabit from sea to sky. First, we will swim through the different ocean zones, focusing on creatures of the deep sea and the adaptations that help them survive the challenges of ocean depths. As we reach the shoreline and step onto the land, we will discover the places that life is found, focusing on the only mammals to truly fly through our planet’s skies – bats!
Day 2 – Hidden Worlds
Dive into the ocean to explore the diversity of plankton and how these microscopic organisms support life in the ocean. As our journey continues, swim upstream to find out about tiny freshwater creatures hidden just beneath the water’s surface – freshwater macroinvertebrates. You will also learn how both ecosystems are impacted by pollution and microplastics.
Day 3 – Apex Predators
Today we’re getting close to nature’s large and in charge animals – apex predators! On land we will look up to the skies at bald eagles, the amazing predators of land, water, and tree tops. After, we will take a dip in the ocean to swim alongside sharks, the mysterious predators of the ocean. Find how you can help these animals find food just by paying attention to what you eat for dinner!
Day 4 – Where Water Meets Land
As we float toward the end of our week together, we will investigate the special spots where water meets land. In the forest, we will explore some of the plants and animals that rely on riparian zones, the areas where streams and rivers meet the land. Then, we will wade into the intertidal zone to learn more about this world that changes by the hour. These habitats are not only important to the organisms that live there, but can be crucial for overall ecosystem health, and are under many threats from human activities.
Day 5 – Helping Our Habitats
On our final day, we will reflect on the challenges that our world’s habitats are facing and the stresses that we put on natural ecosystems, like introduced species and climate change. In the ocean, we will explore the benefits eelgrass habitats provide and how we can protect it. Then, we will hop back on land to learn about the importance of native species in maintaining local biodiversity, and how you can help scientists by recording what you see with an app.
Introducing Aqua Colour, a new ocean-themed colouring app is a collaboration between Tangible, Vancouver Mural Festival and Ocean Wise. Proceeds support Vancouver Aquarium!

Bring a little bit of the Vancouver Aquarium into your own home.
Find out more https://www.aquablog.ca/
Download the new #AquaColour ocean-themed colouring app today and help #SaveVancouverAquarium! Click the link to download on your device: http://onelink.to/u3caex
Good afternoon AquaParents & Guardians!
We have had an amazing start to our camp this summer - our new programming was very well received by our first week of campers. We have had a last minute cancellation for next week, so now have a space available for camp beginning July 27th 2020.

We received a lot of emails wishing to get on the waitlist for camps in August, which are now quite long. If you want to experience a week of AquaCamps this summer, this may be your last chance! If you are interested in this slot (any campers age 4-12), please send an email ASAP to campsandclubs@ocean.org or call 604-659-3493 and we will book you in. First come, first served :)
Welcome back to AquaCamps this summer!
Below is some important information about the summer.
Attached you will find a brand new parent handbook, which outlines important details about your camp experience next week. All parents & guardians are expected to review this handbook, and we will ask for verbal confirmation on Monday that you have read and understood all policies and updates within the handbook.
Cole’s Notes:
- All guardians must sign new waiver forms (see attached) and return on Monday morning. No camper will be admitted into camp without a signed waiver. Please bring the signed waiver with you to limit time for sign in. There will be extra copies available.
- New Camp Hours: 9am-4pm
- Pre Camp: 8am-9am
- Post Camp: 4pm-5:30pm
- New Sign In and Out Procedure Highlights
- Maintain physical distancing of 2m, indicated by blue pylons and signage.
- Daily screening for COVID-19 using the BC Self-Assessment Tool – anyone that answers YES to any screening question will not be permitted into camp.
- Limit number of guardians at sign in and out, and do your best to have the same person each day. This limits the amount of direct contacts our team will interact with.
- COVID-19 and Camps: We are currently following the guidelines set out by the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings as well as the guidelines for the Vancouver Aquarium operations, which means there will be many changes to camp this summer.
- New staffing ratio for smaller classroom sizes.
- Brand new games, activities, crafts and experiments.
- No behind the scenes access (includes Marine Mammal Rescue Centre).
- Limited gallery access (Frogs Forever and Underwater Sea Lions only).
- No animal handling or shows/visits.
- Friend Requests: Due to smaller camp capacity and group sizes, we are only able to accommodate a small number of friend requests. All camp group assignments are final, and we will not make any changes on Monday morning.
Join our new Facebook Page! Click here and type in code SeaLion2020 to see all of our camp updates and photos that will be posted each week. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1172632099746638/
Please note: Our office hours are 8:30am-4:30pm Monday through Friday. If you must reach our team, please do so through email to hailey.renaud@ocean.org and we will do my best to answer in a timely manner.
We are looking forward to the summer :)
The AquaCamps team.

World Oceans Day
June 8, 2020
Lasse Gustavsson
President and CEO, Ocean Wise
We used to think of the ocean as an expansive, unknowable, never-ending source of food and resources. Now we know better. The combined pressures of pollution, unsustainable resource extraction and climate change are pushing our ocean to the brink.
Humans need to understand that the world, as we know it, will not survive without a healthy and flourishing ocean. For starters, the ocean is our planet’s most effective line of defense against climate change.
Humans need to understand that the world, as we know it, will not survive without a healthy and flourishing ocean. For starters, the ocean is our planet’s most effective line of defense against climate change. The ocean sequesters carbon more efficiently than forests and produces 70% of the oxygen we breathe. It is also the key source of protein for 3.1 billion people and provides livelihood to 10% of the earth’s population[. Furthermore, the ocean is home to hundreds of thousands of wonderous aquatic species, many not even discovered yet. These ocean species are not only innocent victims in humankind’s mistreatment of the ocean, but some of them may be the key to future scientific discoveries.
As we enter the relief phase of COVID-19, and governments around the world plan investments to restart their economies, we are at a very unique crossroads: do we simply build back the economy as it was? Or, we can build it back better, prioritizing low carbon industries and environmental protection. Can we take advantage of this moment in history when governments are making massive investments in business and industry to ‘leapfrog’ to clean-energy technologies and new ways of doing things.
Is leapfrogging really possible? Of course it is. I am from Sweden and in the 1980s, I can recall how several of the former soviet bloc countries, including East Germany, Poland and Hungary, were in dire need of significant upgrades to telephone systems. But instead of investing in copper wiring and traditional technology, these countries constructed cutting-edge 3G cellular networks, putting them among the most advanced communication systems in Europe at the time. They leapfrogged outdated thinking and jumped straight to the most advanced technology available. We can do this too.
There has been a lot of talk about investing in the ‘green economy’ post COVID-19. Well, I am here to argue that we should also be investing in the ‘blue economy.’
“The Blue Economy is the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health.” (World Bank)
Globally, the blue economy, including tourism, fisheries, marine renewable energy and biotechnology, is predicted to grow at double the rate of the rest of the economy by 2030.
Investing in the blue economy means managing the ocean in a way that it remains healthy, and can continue to benefit people as a source of food, carbon sink, recreation and employment.
Globally, investments need to be made in sustainable fisheries, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable energy production, sustainable shipping (including investments in low carbon fuel and green ports), ecosystem protection and carbon sequestration.
The innovation and ideas are there, our governments just need to be courageous enough to implement them.

Eelgrass meadows (such as the one pictured above) have shown an impressive ability to store and sequester carbon. Ocean Wise advocates for mapping, tracking, and re-colonizing these underwater meadows as one of many ways to address climate change through investments in the ‘blue economy’.
Get Involved this #WorldOceansWeek
Online Ocean programming this week:
#LivefromtheWetLab: Free daily live streams highlighting innovation in our Education programs. Please check our website for the daily schedule.
Other World Oceans Week Activation:
- Monday June 8 - Celebrate the World’s Ocean – activities from coast to coast to coast this week https://www.oceansweekcanada.ca/. Let us know your favourite way to celebrate the ocean on Twitter @OceanWiseEdu using #GoOceanBlue
- World Oceans Week Canada: Our aim, together with your help, is for Canadians and communities from coast to coast to coast to learn about and get involved in Oceans Day/Oceans Week events happening nearby or to find inspiration and support to start new events in new places.
- Ocean Wise is committed to and encourages everyone to take action to protect and preserve the ocean.Please take a look at a World Oceans Day video message from our Executive Vice President, Dr. Carlos Drews here.
At Ocean Wise, our mission is to inspire the global community to become Ocean Wise by increasing its understanding, wonder and appreciation for our oceans. Our Children & Youth Programs are immersive ocean education experiences that foster love for our oceans through fun and interactive activities, engaging over 9,000 children, youth and families in marine science annually.
Through our programs, we inspire the next generation of leaders to develop concern for the environment by experiencing awe and wonder as a child.
AquaCamps: offer your children a fun, educational experience never to be forgotten. Our camps are filled with hands-on activities, animal observations, crafts and time to run around outside to fully engage your children in an environment that encourages active learning. Children will learn about local and exotic animals, life cycles, food webs, adaptations, ecosystems and sustainability. Register online!

Junior Biologist Club: explore the animals, science, and research that happen behind the scenes at the Vancouver Aquarium and in ocean science research. Get ready to dive into a series of adventures to gain a better understanding of our aquatic planet, the technological innovation in Aquarium research and what we need to do to better protect our oceans. Register today!

AquaTots: Hands-on, unique, sensory engaging activities will immerse you and your young child in ocean sciences through discovery, arts and crafts, songs, games and gallery exploration. Discover the amazing wonders of the ocean in a safe, nurturing environment with our Ocean Wise educators, making new friends – children and animals alike!
For more information, please email campsandclubs@ocean.org or call 604-659-3493.
Have a Splash of a Birthday: You’ll touch marine invertebrates like squishy sea cucumbers, sticky anemones and prickly sea urchins in our Wet Lab before heading behind the scenes for a visit through our Jellyfish hallway. As an added bonus, the birthday child will be named an Honorary Aquarist and will get to feed our fish in the two-story Strait of Georgia Pacific Canada Pavilion, one of the Aquarium's largest exhibits.

For more information, please email birthdays@ocean.org or call - 604-659-3504.
Spend an Incredible Evening at the Aquarium: Choose one of five programs for your group to explore through hands-on, inquiry based activities, experiments and exploration. Get behind the scenes to better understand Aquarium operations, and dive into topics like climate change, resource extraction, pollution and habitat destruction while fully engaging your senses, mind and wonder.
For more information, please email evenings@ocean.org or call 604-659-3504.

Good afternoon AquaCamp Parents & Guardians,
We wanted to provide a quick update on the current status of Summer AquaCamps 2020. We have been told to go ahead with planning camps to begin July 6th, and we will be monitoring the updates and recommendations from BC Health and government officials before we make our final decision. It is possible that we may not be able to run camp at full capacity of 120 campers each week, but we are hopeful that we will be able to run in some capacity.
The first week of camp originally scheduled for June 29 - July 3rd has been cancelled. If you are currently registered for this week, Brett will be in contact in the next few weeks to provide a full refund, or transfer your booking to another date. Cancelling the first week of camp gives us another week before we decide what the summer looks like, and means we will have more time to hire and train our summer educators.
We will continue to provide updates as they come!
Other News
- #SaveVa initiative: Just over a week since the not-for-profit Vancouver Aquarium and Ocean Wise Conservation Association went public with their need for $1 million a month in funding to sustain animal care and operations during the COVID-19 closure, Ocean Wise reports that a total of $624,427 has been raised from 8,207 individuals.
- Vancouver Whitecaps FC partner to #SaveVA: Do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community and show your support for the Vancouver Aquarium with this stylish non-medical face mask. With comfort in mind this high-performance reusable mask has been custom-designed and produced by the Vancouver Whitecaps FC (one of our valued community partners) with proceeds from sales going to support the Vancouver Aquarium and help care for our 70,000 animals during the COVID-19 closure. https://vanaquashop.org/vancouver-aquarium-whitecaps-facemask/
- Online Ocean: our online learning platform is updated every week with daily wet lab programs, live events, and crafts & activities! This week's feature craft is a Squid Headband. Share a photo of your craft on Twitter and tag @OceanWiseEdu to be featured on the page!

We wish you and your families all the best, and hope we will see you soon!
Best fishes,
Hailey & the AquaCamps team
Wet Lab Biologists Talk: All about Artemia (brine shrimp)
Join us behind the scenes at the Vancouver Aquarium and in our Wet Lab to discover what the animals and biologists are working on. Tamara will be introducing Artemia (sea monkeys!), how we grow them, what eats them, how they help us and how we help them in our aquatic classroom.
Please note - you will need to register for the event (name and email), but this is the most secure way to run a program!

For other program offerings this week, and complementary crafts & activities, check out https://ocean.org/learnonline/
For more updates, follow @OceanWiseEdu on Twitter :)
Tune into our Wet Labs today at 10am PST to join one of our educators as they complete their daily animal care schedule. Tamara will be showcasing some of our favourite intertidal animals, sharing how we care for these individual animals - what do they eat, how do we clean their habitat, which animals can live together, etc.
Click the link here to tune in: https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2feb3ef2bed985c424a9e9b62efa764d

To help parents manage the new reality of weeks at home with the kids, Ocean Wise Conservation Association has launched a free online ocean literacy resource called Online Oceans, bringing ocean-inspired crafts, activities, DIY videos, livestreamed learning, and more, to families around the world.
Created by Ocean Wise educators, together with animal experts from the Vancouver Aquarium, these captivating resources are designed for kids and youth of all ages to learn the how and why of caring for the ocean, and all the animals in it.

With activities and offerings broken down by age group, a highlight of Online Oceans is the livestreamed learning sessions on topics including: Ocean Plastics, Sharks! and Arctic Adaptations. Livestreams take place multiple times each week and are free to join from the comfort of your own laptop.
Looking for something even more personal and engaging for your family? Why not sign up for a Virtual AquaClass? These personalized sessions allow your kids to meet online with an Ocean Wise educator to dive deeper into learning topics like “Careers in Conservation” or “Reptiles and Amphibians”. Normally reserved for schools – this program is being opened to individual families during school closures. Virtual AquaClasses cost $45 for a 45-minute session, and multiple families can split the cost to take part in a single session, each from their own home computer.
Teachers are also welcome to make use of Online Oceans, too, and will find that many of the resources are curriculum based and perfect to incorporate into their distance education offerings.
Highlights from Online Oceans:
*Content is updated regularly, so check back often.
- · Feed your little piranhas at the Recipe Corner
- · Plastic free glitter and tinted lip balm DIY video tutorials
- · Livestreamed programs on topics like Ocean Plastics and Sharks
- · Links to Vancouver Aquarium live animal web cams
- · Feed the Shark Craft and Animal Colouring Pages
- · Virtual AquaClasses for teens and older kids, privately, or in small groups
- · Curriculum-based Complete Education Kits
Want more? Check out our resources tab where we are uploading new activities, animal facts, and arts & crafts daily!

Follow @OceanWiseEdu on Twitter for more updates!
Kids 12-and-Under visit the Vancouver Aquarium for free this family day weekend
An offer that will have you happy as a clam this Family Day Weekend!

Family Day Weekend is a chance to spend quality time with your loved ones. What better way than with an exploration of marine life at the Vancouver Aquarium? This Family Day Weekend, the Vancouver Aquarium is offering FREE admission to kids 12-and-under from Saturday, February 15th to Monday, February 17th
"This year we are extending our free kids 12-and-under offer over the entire Family Day long weekend" says Karen Howe, Director of Visitor Experience at the Vancouver Aquarium. "We invite families from near and far to join us over the Family Day Weekend to meet our 60,000 incredible aquatic creatures, amazing staff and volunteers and learn why it's important to protect our oceans."
You can dive into the following Family Day Programs:
- § Take an imaginary underwater journey during Story Time at 10:45 a.m. in the Pacific Canada Pavilion. Wetsuit not required.
- § Get to know the Aquarium’s most armoured animals with Turtle Talks at 11:30 a.m. in the Tropic Zone.
- § Flock together for the Meet a Penguin program at 2:15 p.m. in the Teck Engagement Gallery and get to know these fascinating birds.
- § Catch a screening of the exhilarating Reef Reborn: A 4D Experience in the 4-D theatre every 30 minutes starting at 11:45 a.m.
For more details on daily schedules, click here.
Family Day Weekend at the Vancouver Aquarium, an Ocean Wise initiative
From Saturday, February 15 to Monday, February 17, 2020, children 12-and-under receive FREE* entry to the Vancouver Aquarium.*Free ticket offer must be redeemed at the Admissions Window. Promo tickets are not available online or at the kiosks. Cannot combine with any other offer. Child must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum of 4 children per adult.
Date: February 15 – 17, 2020 (Saturday, Sunday and Monday)
Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
Where: Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park (845 Avison Way)
Cost: Adult: $40 | Senior / Student: $32 | Child (0 -12): FREE
For more information: https://vanaqua.org/familyday
Free Science and Maker activities for the entire family.
About this Event
Come enjoy a day of fun science and maker activities. Included is a repair cafe so bring out your broken appliances, torn clothing and anything else you would like fixed. The event will include shows by Science World at 11:00 and 2:30. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/science-and-maker-jamboree-tickets-89707669053?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Featuring: Science World, Genome BC, Vancouver Public Library, Metro Vancouver, Ocean Wise, Shoreline Cleanup, Pacific Museum of Earth, SFU Forensic Entomology, SCWIST, Repair Cafe, Geering Up, Vancouver Hack Space, Free Geek, Open Science Network
Open Science Network
Organizer of Science and Maker Jamboree
Open Science Network organizes STEM outreach programs to allow kids of all ages to enjoy the wonders of STEM
*STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Check us out at opensciencenet.org

Britannia Community Centre, Gym D
1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, BC V5L 4X4
Are you looking for an educational extracurricular activity for your child this winter? We have programs open to a variety of ages to help stimulate their minds, while also providing a fun, inclusive experience!
Junior Biologist Club, ages 6-13
- Coral Reef Debrief: Coral reefs host an astounding amount of life, making them one of the most important ocean habitats, but they are at risk of dying before our very eyes. Join the brief to save the reef!
- January 4, 11 and 18
- The Great Invertebrate Debate: Grow a spine? I think not - it's fun to wiggle and jiggle along! Join the junior biologist team as we learn all about the fascinating creatures that flourish without a backbone, including some of our hands-on wet lab animals.
- February 1, 8 and 15
- Down Low on the Micro: Don't forget about the little guys! We will focus our lens on the smallest creatures in the oceans, and learn all about the mayhem that is happening in the microscopic world!
- March 7, 14 and 21

Hands-on, unique, sensory engaging activities will immerse you and your young child in ocean sciences through discovery, arts and crafts, songs, games and gallery exploration. Discover the amazing wonders of the ocean in a safe, nurturing environment with our Ocean Wise educators, making new friends – children and animals alike!
- Sneaky Animals: Who doesn't love playing a game of hide and seek? A lot of animals love the game and will hide in the sneakiest places in the ocean. Learn about some of the ways these champions will never be found!
- February 6th
- Do re mi fa so la ti do: Some animals make beautiful music in nature, and the ocean is no exception! Animals like sea lions and walruses make all sorts of sounds for all sorts of reasons. Come along for an underwater morning musical!
- February 13th
- Touchy Feely: Have you wondered how certain animals feel? Some animals might surprise you! We'll show you some of our favourite props and use our sense of touch to explore the ocean.
- February 20th

The ocean is our planet’s life support system. It is the provider of food, recreation, transport and even the oxygen we breathe – and to lose this is too big a cost. Join us in protecting our oceans: http://support.ocean.org/turnthetide
Out in the water, down in the blue
Where the waves meet the shore, where the boats fish for food,
Where the seals have their play time, and where the fish learn to fly.
This is your ocean, and it's starting to die
The waters are bloated, afloat on each tide,
The bottles that don't hold a message inside.
Once full of dreams of an old pirates chest,
now full of treasure, that never digests.
Who will protect it, the creatures defend?
Be a port in the storm, an ally, a friend.
Discover it's secrets. Rescue the lost,
And remind us to lose this is too big a cost
Show them the creatures, tell all the tales,
From the tiniest plankton to the mightiest whale.
This is your ocean. This is the blue.
Listen, can you hear it? It's calling to you.
The United Nations is launching the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in 2021. We are inviting the ingenious children of Canada to think up and draw invention ideas to protect the oceans. Get involved now!
The oceans cover more than 70% of our planet, and they are essential to all life on Earth. But overpopulation and industrialization have taken their toll. Starting now, we can start building a better future for our oceans, with science, invention and innovation at the heart of it all. The more we understand our oceans, the better we can learn to look after them and get them back to health.
A selection of invention ideas will be chosen to be made real to be showcased during Science Odyssey in 2021.

How to enter!
Mission: Protect our oceans is open to all elementary and secondary school students across Canada and is recommended to up to grade 9 students or ages 14-15 years.
Teachers and parents can also submit the young inventors’ ideas, you don't have to be a school to take part!
Entries must be submitted by midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, December 20, 2020.
Submissions will be accepted throughout the year, however, we recommend uploading the invention ideas as soon as possible after your workshop. The most ingenious ideas will be selected for making. and those students will be paired with a maker or artisan to produce their ideas. The winners will be announced in time to celebrate Science Odyssey in May 2021.
Children can submit more than one invention idea.
Submit invention ideas through our upload page.
This #GivingTuesday, deepen your commitment to connecting children and youth with our oceans by considering a donation to our Ocean Wise Education Bursary. By supporting the Bursary Program, you will help bring students and youth from under-served schools and communities to the Aquarium or send our AquaVan outreach program directly to the students in their own schools. Give the gift of education this holiday season, and #supportoceanlearning.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, almost 4,000 students were able to access educational opportunities in 2019 that they would not otherwise have been able to, in the form of AquaCamps, Junior Biologist Clubs, onsite school field trips and AquaVan visits to their school. Last week, we unveiled a new initiative that is completely funded by donors - the "Octobus"! The free Octobus will begin rolling through town to help reduce transportation barriers and make ocean literacy education more accessible to all schools.

There are many other ways to support Ocean Wise through donations, not only in the education world! Donate online, become a monthly donor, give a legacy gift, become a corporate partner - there are so many ways to help keep aquatic life flourishing. Check out the many ways you can support our ocean conservation initiatives here: vanaqua.org/donate
Not sure how your donations help? Check out our new brand video which will tell you all about Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium!

Join us on Saturday, December 07th 2019 as we celebrate accessibility at the Vancouver Aquarium, an Ocean Wise Initiative. We will open 9:00am-5:00pm, you may explore our galleries during the sensory friendly times 9am-10am.
Our goal at the Ocean Wise is to share the wonders of aquatic life with all of our visitors. Discover the accessible facilities at the Vancouver Aquarium enjoy additional services in celebration of accessibility and our oceans.
As part of our commitment to accessibility, guests with disabilities can take advantage of the following services and amenities everyday:
- Our accessibility rate is 50% off the general admission rate or a free attendant when paying full admission price. Guests 3 years old with an attendant can receive 50% off their cost of admission.
- Our general admission prices excluding taxes are $38 for adults, $30 for seniors, youth and students, and $21, for children 4-12 years old. Children under 3 years old and under come in free.
- Accredited Service dogs are welcomed in our galleries,
- Please note: For the health and safety of the dogs as well as our animals, guide dogs are not allowed in our Amazon free flight Gallery,
- Wheelchairs, walkers and noise reducing headphones, autism comfort kits are available for loan on a first-come, first-served basis with a piece of ID or credit card from the Guest Services desk,
- Adult change table located in the underwater Arctic washroom,
- Nursing and quiet rooms available.
We will celebrate accessibility by offering these additional programs:
- Guided Tours offered for the Wet Lab experience at 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm and 4 pm, so visitors can experience our aquatic world through touch. Don't forget to register for this tour at the Guest Services desk upon arrival as space is limited. Each tour is approximately 30 minutes in duration,
- Extra volunteers will be onsite to interact with guests and showcase a variety of tactile props in the galleries,
- Canuck Autism Network, hosting an interactive display that is engaging and fun for all ages.
- Meet the Pacific Assistance Dog Society (PADS) team who breeds, raises and trains fully certified dogs. You may see a puppy in training!
- American Sign Language interpreters from Douglas College will be in galleries and at selected shows.
- In time for the holidays with a visit with Scuba Claus. Watch the jolly old man in the red suit (and black flippers) swim in the Wild Coast and with the fish in the Strait of Georgia exhibit,
- Our 4D Theatre offers a magical experience; it means you will not only watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. You will feel the snow against your face and a rumble in your chair as the scenes come to life.
- 4D-Theatre includes wheelchair spaces, closed-captioning and assistive listening devices.
Getting to the Vancouver Aquarium
Taxi drop off – The Vancouver Aquarium taxi drop off is located right at our main admissions plaza, in front of the Bill Reid statue and water fountain. Accessibility Volunteers will be posted at our admission plaza to assist visitors as needed.
Vehicle/Handydart drop off – There are two designated 10-minute drop off parking spots as well as handicap paid parking spots next to our admissions. Volunteers will be posted at our admission plaza to assist visitors as needed.
Public Transportation – For your convenience, the #19 Bus to Stanley Park will bring you within a five-minute distance to the Vancouver Aquarium. The most common routes are:
- Take the #19 Bus to Stanley Park, which runs along West Pender Street,
- Take the Skytrain to Burrard Station and connect to the #19 bus on West Pender at Burrard Street,
- Take the Canada Line or the Seabus to Waterfront and connect to the #19 bus on West Pender.
The Vancouver Aquarium bus stop is located close to the terminus stop of the #19-Stanley Park route. Volunteers will be posted at the bus loop ready to assist visitors as needed.
Join our camp coordinator Leo on a spooooooooky walk through Stanley Park. Go ghost hunting in our forest, create a witches brew at the swamp, and build booby traps for forest monsters. This free program is open to all families on this haunted weekend - you simply need to register here or send us an email (camps@ocean.org) to let us know you would like to join!
Join us at the Stanley Park Bus Loop to begin our haunted walk at 10am on October 26th.
We hope all participants wear their Halloween costumes, but of course make sure that you dress for the weather, as we will be outside the whole time. Any children or youth wearing their costumes will also be eligible for 50% off admission to the Aquarium after the walk!

Join us as we celebrate one of the cutest animals in BC! The sea otter!
Sea otters are mammals found naturally along the BC coast, usually inhabiting kelp forest regions. Not only are they the cutest animals out there, but they are so important to maintaining the expansive biodiversity in BC!
Have you seen the otters here at the aquarium? If you have, you’ve definitely seen a few signature otter behaviours. One is the face rub. These grooming behaviours are not only the most adorable activity, but they’re vital to otters. While other marine mammals like seals rely on blubber, otters only have fur. They have the most dense fur actually! Sea otters have incredibly dense coats, with more than 100,000 hairs per square centimeter! For reference, most humans have about 100,000 on their whole heads. By scrubbing their fur, they are cleaning it and maintaining insulation. There are air bubbles trapped in the fur that keep the otters warm in cold BC waters.
Fun fact. Baby sea otters have more air trapped in their fur relative to older otters. Meaning babies are much more buoyant, making diving harder. Like how this baby demonstrates!
You may also have seen sea otters in person or on videos playing with toys. Not only are sea otters naturally curious, but the toys are given as enrichment. Since otters eat shellfish, they need ways to crack those hard outer shells. To do this, they will actually use tools! They use rocks and hard objects to smash and break open the shelled animals. Otters also have favourite rocks, and will keep them in their armpit pockets! Watch this otter hide her favourite toy from a curious observer.
Sea otters are famous for another behaviour - they hold hands with each other! This behaviour is not only the cutest thing out there, but it’s another important behaviour for otters. Holding hands is called rafting. Out in the ocean, when otters are all trying to sleep or rest, they don’t want to get swept away by the ocean waves. So they all hold hands and raft together. It could just be two otters, but it could be many of them, forming mega-rafts!
Besides holding hands, otter mums have another way to keep their babies in one place. When mum goes to find food, she will use kelp as a little seat belt to hold her baby! Otter mums are excellent parents. They devote tons of energy into the care of their pups. From grooming to snuggles, a lot of care goes into the care for the pup.
However, anything can happen in nature. This may result in a sea otter pup being orphaned. While sad, this is where rescuers from all around North America will step in to help. Our own Marine Mammal Rescue team has gone all around to help rescue and rehabilitate orphaned sea otter pups. You may recognize Hardy or Rialto. They both were rescued as orphaned pups, but have now grown up well thanks to the loving care from MMR. Now, we have a new addition to our otter family, Tazlina! Taz was found abandoned at just one day old. She received 24 care from the best animal care staff from the Alaska SeaLife Centre and Ocean Wise’s marine mammal team. Find out more about her rescue and care here!
Tazlina is already capturing our hearts with her cuteness and her story. Come visit Taz with the whole family during sea otter awareness week!
Important Links:
We are super excited to be starting our first week of AquaCamps! It should be an a-RAY-zing, OTTER-ly PAW-some summer :) Thank you to those that have joined our online learning space. Our camp educators will be posting daily pictures in our gallery, and updates from the week on our discussion posts. We will posting useful, ocean related resources throughout the summer under the resource tab if you or your budding ocean scientist are interested in learning more about our oceans!
There is something exciting that I wanted to share with you this week - NOAA is livestreaming their deep water exploration from now until July 11th 2019. Take a few moments to check out amazing real ocean science, as the NOAA team explores the deep sea. Check out the livestream here: https://www.kqed.org/science/1944020/noaa-is-livestreaming-a-deep-sea-expedition-and-its-pretty-amazing. Please note that the livestream only takes part during some points in the day.
We had a blast filming this video last summer with our campers - we are looking forward to another summer full of fun!
Register now: vanaqua.org/camps
We only have three club themes left this year, and they are the best ones yet! If you are 7-13, join this awesome program to dive into a series of adventures to gain a better understanding of our aquatic planet, the technological innovation in Aquarium research and what we need to do to better protect our oceans.
Our clubs run the first three Saturdays of every month from 9:30am-12pm. Our first and second session are for children ages 7-10, and the third is for children ages 11-13.
April 6th, 13th and 20th - Migration Mission
Take on an adventure countless animals do each season: a migration. Follow the tracks of a leatherback sea turtle or a humpback whale with our massive Migration Map, in which we will see step by step how far those of the animal kingdom venture.

May 4th, 11th and 18th - Fishing to Dishing
Come join us as we dish it about the fishing industry! We're serving sustainability while playing with our food to learn about where the fish on our plates comes from. Analyze a fish before it's been neatly packaged with a fish dissection.

June 1st, 8th and 15th - Frogs Forever?
Take a hop into the lifecycle of a frog and have a glimpse with your bulging frog eyes at the ecosystem they call home. Get an insiders look at what initiatives the biologists at Ocean Wise are doing to protect frogs.

Join the Weddell Sea Expedition! This pioneering Antarctic expedition has been underway since the beginning of January and sending us updates all the way from the Weddell Sea in Antarctica. Visit the Weddell Sea Expedition’s Journey Page to explore what we have learned so far and see video conferences with members of the expedition team and crew. If this sparks your interest, find out more at explore.reachtheworld.org and email lizzie@reachtheworld.org to sign up to virtually join over 200 classrooms across the world who are participating in this exciting expedition!

This month, I pledge to #BePlasticWise by reducing my single use plastics when I clean house.
Count the number of plastic containers full of household cleaners in your cupboards. Whoa! Imagine if you lived in Pond Inlet, Nunavut, where such cleaners are much harder to dispose of responsibly. Shelly Elverum, program lead of Ocean Wise's Ikaarvik: Barriers to Bridges Arctic youth program, talks about reducing her single-use plastic.
Think about switching to natural cleaning agents. If they were praised by your great-grandparents, why not check 'em out? Stock up on baking soda for stains, squeeze lemon juice for bleaching, and scrub on distilled white vinegar to eliminate lime scale. You're probably going to prefer the smell of this stuff to those of the chemical cleaners. Plus making your own products reduces plastic waste!
Oysters are a popular food around the holiday season—especially for New Year’s Eve celebrations. Learn more about how this sustainably farmed Ocean Wise recommended shellfish makes the journey from tide to table in our latest Ocean Kitchen episode with Ocean Wise Executive Chef Ned Bell.

- Farming Sustainable Oysters. They're delicious, but where do sustainable oysters come from? Ocean Wise chef Ned Bell finds out.
- Mythbusters: What is Sustainable Seafood? Confused by wild versus farmed? Get the seafood facts here.
- Be Seafood Smart. Keep our oceans healthy and flourishing: always make sustainable choices.

Manager, Children & Youth Programs
Hailey began her journey with AquaCamps last summer, moving from Ottawa, Ontario to be closer to the ocean, the mountains, and to get far away from the intense humidity. She has worked in children and youth programs for the past 8 years, spending so much time with the kids that she can’t help but think of herself as the biggest kid of all! Her biggest passions include arts and crafts, story time, puppet shows, games (only the ones that she wins!), and her B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences has made her extremely passionate about the oceans. So really, this is her dream job! She can’t wait to share her favourite parts of camp with you! If you see her around, ask her to tell you a joke. They’re pretty funny.

Camp Coordinator
Bobby is new to our AquaCamps team this year, and excited to share his passion for wildlife with all our campers. He’s currently completing a BSc in Biology at UBC and is fascinated by genetics and all things plants. Growing up in Richmond, Bobby was never far from water and was mystified by the sheer magic of the unexplored depths of the ocean. If you don’t take his word for it, ask his sisters who had to sit through endless hours of the same episode of The Blue Planet on repeat every weekend (it’s “The Deep” if you were wondering). He hopes he can instill understanding, wonder, and appreciation for the Ocean in everyone who comes through AquaCamps!

Camps and Clubs Coordinator
Jordan is a UBC graduate who has a love for the outdoors and all things fishy. This Salt Springer is happy as a clam to spend her summer with us at AquaCamps! With a background in childcare and tour guiding the West Coast she's bringing those two passions of fun and adventure to camp. While it is her first year with AquaCamps, she has spent the winter season planning and running our super fun Junior Biologist Club! She spent last summer in the trees at the UBC Ropes Course and is excited to now dive into the deep sea world at the Aquarium. Seems appropriate as she is Ms. Fish!

Camp Educator
Growing up, Anika always looked forward to the weekends, because those were the days she got to spend time at the beach. The ocean holds a deep meaning to her; it holds memories dear to her forever. Her best childhood memories were spent discovering and exploring the beaches. It was her precious time to venture and learn about what captivates her mind the most. Her first volunteer placement at the aquarium, 4 years ago reconnected her to the ocean. It re-sparked her interests for the aquatic world around her. Ocean Wise made her volunteer placement a profound hands-on experience for expanding her knowledge of our oceans, fostering an understanding and new kind respect for the aquatic world. When not at camp, Anika can be found eating ice cream, petting puppies and playing sports- yes, sometimes all three at once. She is excited to “seas” the days with all her campers, and make waves of learning and understanding about the fantastic aquatic world that will hopefully ripple on forever. She is totally ready and excited for a SPLASH-tacular summer!!

Camp Educator
Ashley has always had a passion for wildlife. Growing up, she enjoyed family trips to the Vancouver Aquarium and exploring Stanley Park. In the past, Ashley has spent her time volunteering and completing her work experience at AquaCamps because of her interests in Science, particularly Biology. She is currently studying at Douglas College in the Bachelor of Science - Nursing program. As she goes into her second year as an AquaCamps leader, she has learned so much about the animals, the ocean, and marine life. She looks forward to not only sharing, but expanding her knowledge of wildlife this summer. Ashley loves spending time outdoors and making discoveries on the beach whenever possible. In her spare time, you’ll find Ashley playing soccer, spending time with her friends, and walking her dog. She is extremely excited for another year at AquaCamps and hopes to help all campers have a FIN-tastic summer!

Camp Educator
Growing up frequently visiting beaches and the Vancouver Aquarium has made Cassy very passionate about wildlife and conservation. These exciting experiences solidified her love and curiosity for animals and the environment. She started volunteering with Ocean Wise in 2014 doing work experiences with both AquaCamps and the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre where she continues to volunteer. Currently she is exploring her passion for wildlife in a combined major in biology and earth and ocean sciences at UVIC. She loves exploring the outdoors, playing fun running games, and learning new things. This is her first year as an educator with AquaCamps and she is super excited to have fun with all the campers!

Camp Educator
Although Christina grew up land-locked in Alberta, she has been drawn to the ocean since an early age. Her passion for the ocean was solidified during an eco-tour on a family vacation, where she experienced marine life and incredible teaching first hand. Christina pursued her passion through the completion of her Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Coastal Conservation at the University of Victoria. Her studies have taken her around British Columbia, as well as to Hawaii to study marine mammals! During her free time, Christina enjoys anything that will take her outside, including hiking and scuba diving. Christina is really looking forward to being a part of the AquaCamps team and hopes that she will be able to inspire campers like she was inspired!

Camp Educator
Ethan first became fascinated with the ocean and its wonders when he was 6 years old watching David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet’. He grew up constantly reading books about sharks and whales. His love for the ocean deepened when his teacher took his class to the Vancouver Aquarium in grade 1 and grade 11. His passion and fascination with marine life and the oceans have propelled him ever since to pursue a career in Marine Biology. This is his third summer at Aqua Camps but Ethan has also branched out into interpretive delivery and other education departments. He enjoys telling and teaching others about the ocean and doing beach and forest walks. He’s stoked to see all the familiar faces and new faces at camps this summer!

Camp Educator
Jay has been a lover of the oceans for his entire life, from his early childhood memories at the beach to beginning his career at Ocean Wise at sixteen years old. He is also a member of the new Ocean Wise youth service program, Ocean Bridge, which is a national program connecting youth from coast to coast to coast empowering them to make a difference towards ocean conservation. Jay loves spending time exploring nature and sharing his enthusiasm for the outdoors. He is an avid snowboarder, hiker and scuba diver. At Simon Fraser University, he is studying the Biological Sciences and specializing in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. This is Jay’s first summer working for AquaCamps and he is especially stoked to show all of you his friends: the California sea lion, Señor Cinco, and the arapaima in the Amazon!

Camp Educator
Despite growing up in land-locked Alberta, Karyssa has had a deep wonder and admiration for the ocean from a young age. Her time spent travelling to different coasts around the world inspired her to pursue a BSc in Marine Science and Conservation at UBC in which she completed last year. As a self-identified science nerd, she is super enthusiastic to share her quirky ocean facts with anyone who listens. In addition to having fun at AquaCamps, Karyssa will also be spending much of the summer volunteering at MMR and hanging out at Sugar Pool with her favorite pinniped, Senor Cinco. She enjoys surfing, snorkelling, and scuba diving and strives to live a sustainable and plastic free lifestyle so she can continue to enjoy everything the ocean provides. Karyssa has often been told she looks like a real life mermaid and hopes that if she spends enough time underwater this will become true.

Camp Educator
Leo’s first experience with the ocean was struggling to lift big rocks on the beach to expose shore crabs and what other creatures hid amongst the rocks. Even before he could speak properly, he always wanted to be at either the aquarium or the beach. He has recently completed his Bsc in Biology, focusing on ecology and physiology from the University of Toronto. Leo brings a lifelong love for the ocean to the AquaCamps team as well as a fondness for puns and other terrible jokes. He hopes to inspire the campers to share the same wonder for ocean life that he has kept up.

Camp Educator
Maddy grew up on the east coast of Canada, in coastal Nova Scotia. She spent her summers swimming in the ocean, which fostered a love for the ocean, marine life, and the preservation of natural environments. She also discovered a love of teaching as a fencing coach. She recently completed her BSc at Dalhousie University, majoring in marine biology, and she then promptly moved across the country to get involved in conservation efforts. Maddy began volunteering with Ocean Wise in September 2017, first in the wet labs and later as a husbandrist. AquaCamps is her first role as staff, and she is looking forward to it with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm!

Camp Educator
Mitchell made his first trip to the Vancouver Aquarium in 1997, and ever since then he has kept coming back. When he got a chance to spend the summer with AquaCamps in 2015, there was no way he was going to pass it up. This is his fourth year of AquaCamps and he can’t wait for another amazing year. Mitchell looks forward to so many sweet activities from fun ocean-themed games to looking for ocean critters on the beach. Mitchell has a particular passion for the less mobile and often overlooked sea creatures, such as the sea cucumber. He can hardly wait to share the wonders of these sometimes forgotten animals as well as the super cool traits of all the other amazing animals that call the ocean home. He hopes to make this summer one that campers won’t forget!

Camp Educator
Muskan first joined the Vancouver Aquarium as a volunteer back in 2014 for Junior Biologists’ Club in the hopes of teaching as well as learning all about the science of the sea. The ocean has always been there for her happiest moments from beach walks, to kayaking, and to discovering wacky animal facts! Muskan can’t wait to spend her summer alongside all the campers playing crazy games and laughing until the day ends. She’s especially excited about all the cool dissections and creative activities that will showcase everyone’s passions for all things deep, vast, and blue. Muskan is currently pursuing a B.Sc. in Biology and the University of British Columbia and wishes to one day be able to use all her knowledge of life to help steer the world into a healthier and more environmentally friendly direction. She’s eager and totally ready to be part of a flipperistic summer that campers will never forget!

Camp Educator
Nikki grew up sailing with her family around Victoria and the Gulf Islands, through this she became fascinated by the ocean and all of the things that live in and near it. She spent last summer scuba diving in Portugal seeing some super cool fish and helped clean up their homes. She recently graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Science and Natural Resources Conservation with a particular interest in ocean conservation. She has been teaching English as a second language for the past two years and has been working in different camps for six years. She can’t wait to share all the fun experiences she has had through teaching and camp counselling with new campers. Nikki’s favorite aquatic animals are frogs and snails and she is so excited to find new tiny ocean critters on beach walks this summer. This is her first year with AquaCamps and she is super excited to share her love of the ocean and tag games with all of the campers.

Camp Educator
Ryan is fascinated by the variety of organisms that inhabit the ocean. His childhood favourite was the green sea turtle because of its gentle nature and protective shell. One of his fondest memories is swimming alongside one off the coast of Hawaii. His interest in marine life has lead him to complete a Bachelors in Science in the Applied Biology program with a major in Animals. Ryan has many work experiences with youth and loves working outdoors. He is thrilled to work for AquaCamps because it combines all of his passions into one place. And they have turtles!

Camp Educator
From a young age, Tyler has always had a passion for the Earth and our oceans. As a child, he would spend hours in his backyard creek looking for bugs and other critters along the water’s edge, overturning every rock in search of crabs and sea stars. Tyler also frequently visited the Vancouver Aquarium growing up, where he got to experience, learn, and engage with many animals for the first time. This desire to learn eventually led Tyler to volunteer with AquaCamps as a Work Experience student in high school. Now, Tyler is returning to the AquaCamps team once more as an Educator, and is extremely excited to promote Ocean Wise’s culture of inspiration, appreciation, and conservation. When he's not at the Aquarium, you can probably find Tyler hanging out with friends and/or dogs, at the beach (being sun safe), or in the ice rink playing hockey. Tyler currently attends the University of British Columbia to study political science and law, but still chooses to work with Ocean Wise because animals are more fun than politics. Tyler is looking forward to making many new memories at AquaCamps this summer with all the campers, staff, and animals!

Camp Educator
Growing up in the North Shore, Youna has always been close to both the forest and the coast. Ever since she can remember, she’s had a deep passion and love for nature, fascinated by its endless wonders. Youna first joined AquaCamps in 2015 as a volunteer and has since continued volunteering with the Junior Biologists Club. Youna gained a deep respect for the ocean while walking along the shores on the other side of the Pacific Ocean with her aunt back in Korea in Grade 3 watching the sun set. She was absolutely captivated by its vastness and struggled to comprehend how two opposite parts of the world could be connected by a single body of water. She loves being outdoors having a blast and is SOOOO excited to be back as a camp leader, and is more than ready to have an absolutely FIN-tastic summer with everyone!

Here at Ocean Wise we are celebrating International Women's Day all week long. Meet the Ocean Wise scientists making waves.
Ruby and the Octopus
Biologist Ruby Banwait has a special connection with the octopus under her care.
Whale Wiretapper
From Buenos Aires to the Arctic Circle, science has taken Valeria Vergara on quite the journey.
Seafood Specialist
Growing up in Kuwait an oil spill disaster inspired Dalal Al-Abdulrazzak to protect the ocean.
Chelsea Ryan is at home with her flock of feathered friends.
The DNA Detective
Big whales, big problems, but Carla Crossman is up to the task.
Underwater Explorer
Donna Gibbs is her name. Tracking species is her game.
Microplastic Maven
Rhiannon Moore's career in science began with a walk on the beach.
Our Work
Discover more about Ocean Wise, and what we do.
Learn about local and exotic animals, life cycles, food webs, adaptations, ecosystems and sustainability through hands-on activities and active play at our Vancouver Aquarium AquaCamps. With programs for ages 4 to 16, there is something for every young ocean enthusiast!

We are inspired by the passion you have for your learning and loving nature, so show us your love and enter to win a free space to our summer AquaCamps!
The contest will run from Monday, February 12th, 2018 to Friday, February 16th, 2018. To enter the contest:
- Post a photo of your family learning in nature on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter – looking at leaves, animal watching, doing a scavenger hunt, etc.
- Tag #OceanWiseEducation and #AquaCampsContest
Prize pack includes: one space to a week of our summer AquaCamps!

Contest rules:
- We will accept one entry per Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account – multiple entries from the same account will be counted as a single entry.
- Contest opens at 12:00 a.m. EST on February 12th, 2018 and closes at 11:59 p.m. EST on February 16th, 2018. The draw will be on February 19th, 2018 and the potential winner will be contacted and must respond within 48 hours to be declared a winner.
- To be eligible to enter, a person must be age 18 years or older at the time of entry, a resident in Canada excluding the Province of Quebec.
Win a spot to AquaCamps - Contest Rules
“Win a spot to AquaCamps” (the “Contest”), presented by Ocean Wise Conservation Association (the “Sponsor”) begins at 12:00:01 AM (EST) on February 12th, 2018 and ends at 11:59:59 PM (EST) on February 16th, 2018 (the “Contest Period”). Ocean Wise Conservation Association reserve the right to terminate the Contest at their sole discretion, award no Prize if events beyond their reasonable control make continuation not feasible. The Sponsors also reserve the right to amend these rules unilaterally and without notice to entrants.
One (1) prize (the “Prize”) will be awarded consisting of one (1) spot for a child aged 4-12 to our weeklong Ocean Wise AquaCamps during the summer months (July 3rd-August 31st, 2018). The value of the prize is $354 for 5 days and $284 for 4 days.
The Prize must be accepted as awarded without substitution and is not transferable, not for resale and has no cash surrender value. The Sponsors reserve the right, in the event that the Prize or any component of the Prize cannot be awarded as described for any reason, to substitute another prize or component of a prize of equal value, without liability.
Prizes consist only of elements listed above and do not include transportation to/from Vancouver, accommodation or any other travel-related or other expenses.
By participating, the Contestant (“You”) agrees to be legally bound by these contest rules (the “Rules”) and by the interpretation of the Rules by the Sponsors, and You represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of the Sponsors as final and binding as they relate to the content of this Contest.
The Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest should virus, bug, non-authorized human intervention, fraud, or other cause beyond the Sponsors’ control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, or proper conduct of the Contest. In such case, the Sponsors may select the winning entry (the “Winner”) from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by the Sponsors. The Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or website or violates the Rules.
The Sponsors accept no responsibility for loss, damage or claims caused by or resulting from the Contest or acceptance of a Prize. The Sponsors will not be responsible for late, lost, illegible, incomplete, falsified or destroyed entries and all such entries are void. Entries that have been falsified, tampered with or altered are void. In the event it is determined that an entrant has entered in a fashion not sanctioned by these Rules and/or has submitted more than the number of entries permitted by these rules, the entrant will be disqualified and all of the photographs submitted by the entrant will be disqualified. The Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify any entries that violate the Rules.
TO ENTER THE CONTEST: There is (1) one way to enter the Contest:
You may submit no more than a total of one entry per Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account during the contest period.
Entries must include #OceanWiseEducation and #AquaCampsContest. Your account must be switched to public in order to be considered. The entry must fulfill all contest requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the Rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Sponsors.
By entering the Contest, You represent and warrant that your entry is an original work of authorship and does not violate any third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If your entry infringes upon the intellectual property right of another, You will be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Sponsors. If the content of your entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, You shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Sponsors from and against any suit, proceeding, claims, liability, loss, damage, costs or expense, which the Sponsors may incur, suffer, or be required to pay arising out of such infringement or suspected infringement of any third party’s right.
To be eligible to enter, a person must be age 18 years or older at the time of entry and a resident in Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec). You cannot be an employee or director (current or retired) of Ocean Wise Conservation Association, their affiliated companies, agents, advertising or promotional agencies, domiciled with any such person, or a member of the immediate family of any such person. “Immediate family” means a spouse of any such employee, or any parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of any such employee or the spouse of any such person.
Entries will be reviewed for composition, content/originality, technical quality and visual impact by a panel of judges appointed at the sole discretion of the Sponsors, consisting of employees from Ocean Wise Conservation Association on February 19th, 2018 (the “Draw Date”). Odds of being declared a winner depend on the total number of eligible entries. The selected entrant or his/her parent or legal guardian if eighteen (18) years of age or under will be contacted within forty-eight (48) hours of the Draw Date. No correspondence will be entered into except with the selected entrant. If the Sponsors or their agent, acting reasonably, cannot contact the selected entrant within forty-eight (48) hours of the Draw Date, another entry will be selected by the judging panel. The Sponsors or their agent will then make reasonable efforts to contact that person within forty-eight (48) hours, failing which another name will be drawn, and so on, until a selected entrant is contacted or there are no more eligible entries. The Sponsors will not be responsible for failed attempts to contact the selected entrant. The Sponsors reserve the right to reschedule the Draw Date.
The selected entrant must sign and return within two (2) business days of notification a declaration and release form prepared by the Sponsor which, among other things: (i) confirms compliance with these Rules and acceptance of the Prize as awarded; and (ii) agrees to release the Promotion Entities against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from any liability in connection with this Contest, the selected entrant's participation therein and/or the awarding and use/misuse of the Prize or any portion thereof; (iii) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of his/her Entry, name, voice, statements about the Contest and/or photograph or other likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement carried out by the Sponsor in any manner whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the Internet. If a selected entrant: (i) cannot be contacted by email within three (3) attempts or two (2) business days of the selection date, or there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; or (ii) fails to return the properly executed Contest documents within the specified time; then he/she will be disqualified and will forfeit his/her opportunity to be a winner (and to receive the Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to name another winner.
Rights Granted by You:
By entering the Contest, You understand and agree that the Sponsors, anyone acting on behalf of the Sponsors, and the Sponsors’ licensees, successors, and assigns, shall have the right, where permitted by law, to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the World, without limitation, your entry, name, portrait, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the Contest, and biographical information for news, publicity, information, trade, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes without any further compensation, credit, notice, review, or consent.
By entering the Contest, the Winner consents to the use of his/her name, address (city and province) and/or photograph without further remuneration, in connection with any publicity carried out by or on behalf of the Sponsors in connection with this Contest.
The Sponsors respect your right to privacy. Personal information collected from entrants will only be used by the Sponsors to administer the Contest and in the manner described in these Contest Rules and, only if consent is given at the time of entry, to provide the entrants with information regarding upcoming promotions and/or events from the Sponsors. For more information regarding the manner of collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the Sponsors, please visithttps://ocean.org/privacy-policy/
This Contest is subject to all federal, provincial (excluding Quebec) and municipal laws and regulations.
This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Questions about the Contest may be directed to: Children & Youth Programs at 604-659-3493 or by email at camps@ocean.org
I have read, fully understand and agree to these Contest Rules. I understand that I will give up rights by indicating my acceptance here by electronic means. I am eligible to participate and have accepted the Contest terms freely and voluntarily without any inducement or duress, or assurance or guarantee being made to me. I represent and warrant that I have the legal right to grant the photo use rights I am granting herein. I own copyright in the submitted photograph and have not transferred copyright to any other person or entity. I intend my electronic acceptance to be an indication of my complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
Founded in 2016, the BC Biodiversity Wild Postcard Project aims to increase awareness of biodiversity through artwork competitions for kids & teens in locations across the world. The winning artworks are converted into postcards, allowing local biodiversity – as depicted by artistically inclined youth – to be shared to all corners of the globe.
BC Biodiversity wants to get people around the world talking about biodiversity – the animals, plants, and bacteria that comprise life on Earth. And that’s why they need you! They need your artwork – whether it’s a painting, collage, drawing, etching…they want you to somehow showcase biodiversity of the place where you live.
They are calling on talented kids and teens (ages 5-18) to make artwork depicting your local biodiversity. At each of their competition locations (in 2018, the Philippines and Ireland), a judging panel will select the top 10 artworks, which will turn into postcards. They are hopeful that these postcards – posted to destinations across the world – will raise awareness of the fantastic creatures and plants we’ve got here on Earth.
‘Blue Tit Collage’ by Jennifer Wilson (Age 13), ‘Paraisong Pilipino’ by Dianne Yvie Capunong (Age 14)
1. WHO: The competition is open to kids and teens (ages 5-18) who are currently living in British Columbia.
2. WHAT: Your artwork (whether you paint, draw, etch, screen print, etc.) must represent the biodiversity of BC in some way. Please also complete and include the competition entry form (found here).
3. WHEN: Postmarked no later than 1 March 2018.
4. WHERE: Entries can be sent to:
Wild Postcard Project
c/o Dr. Angela Stevenson
Biodiversity Research Centre, UBC
2212 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Grizzly Bear (Photo by: Princess Lodges, Flickr), Muskrat (Photo: S. J. Coates, Flickr)
Hard copies are preferred, but if necessary you can submit via email (take a photo with your iPhone, iPad, any option works!). Just make sure to hold on to the original copy of your artwork in case you’re selected as a winner and we need to do a fancy photoshoot of it – and because we may the original for printing purposes. wildpostcardproject@gmail.com
This week on ocean.org we are showcasing some amazing ocean champions who are exploring, protecting, and inspiring change.
- Jill Heinerth: Cave-Diving Explorer. More people have visited the moon than some of the places Jill Heinerth has dived
- Chloe Dubois: Ocean Plastic Preacher. Ocean Legacy's Chloe Dubois is serious about cleaning our coasts.
Photo 1: Jill Heinerth, IntothePlanet.com. Photo 2: Chloe Dubois stands with debris brought in from B.C. beaches (Francois Georgian).
- Lizzie Carr: Paddling For The Planet. Lizzie Carr kicked cancer's butt then quit her corporate job to pick up garbage.
- Kathy Heise: Tracing the Call. Marine biologist Kathy Heise has devoted decades to understanding how whales and dolphins use sound.
Photo 1: Lizzie Carr, the paddleboarding environmentalist. Photo 2: Kathy Heise watches Chester at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre.
- Jenice Yu: Supplying Sustainable. Jenice Yu has been in the fishing industry since she was a girl. Now she owns her own sustainable seafood supply business, sourcing the finest Ocean Wise seafood caught by Canadian fishermen.
- Rachel Schoeler: Great Lengths. Rachel Schoeler swam the Straight of Georgia to raise awareness about water pollution.
Photo 1: Jenice Yu and company at the Fin to Tail event in 2016. Photo 2: Rachel Schoeler swims across the Georgia Straight.
New this week on AquaBlog:
Do you have an Ocean Wise story you think would be a good fit for Ocean.org or AquaBlog? Let us know – email us at contact@ocean.org.
Please follow us on social for more inspiring ocean content: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
Happy Holidays from Ocean Wise and
the Vancouver Aquarium
As we reflect on the year that was and turn our thoughts to the year ahead, we wanted to share the magic of the aquatic world with you and your family this holiday season. It’s been another incredible year. From the busiest season ever at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre, to eliminating single use water bottles at the Aquarium, and to the AquaVan’s cross-country odyssey in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, we have been busy encouraging Canadians to become Ocean Wise through education and direct action. Our research is helping to inform policy and legislation locally, provincially, nationally and globally.
We still have a lot of work to do, but we are optimistic. And as we watch these mesmerizing jelly fish – our version of the holiday firelog– we hope that you are optimistic too and stay connected with us next year.
Our work wouldn't be possible without the support of our donors, members, partners, volunteers and Ocean Wise Champions, like you, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
From our family to yours, we wish you a safe, peaceful and "jelly" holiday season.
The board, staff and volunteers of Ocean Wise and Vancouver Aquarium.
This week on ocean.org we explore why sea ice matters.
Photo: Daisy Gilardini
- Melting sea ice isn't just a problem for polar bears — it's impacting the entire planet.
Photo: Daisy Gilardini
- Science, Meet Tradition - How youth are bridging the gap between scientific and traditional knowledge in a changing Arctic.
- The Arctic is warming faster than anywhere on earth. What does this mean for Inuit today? Changing Climate and Culture
- Under the Ice - A rare glimpse of beautiful Arctic animals found beneath the sea ice.
Photo: Martin Fortier, ArcticNet and Shawn Hopper
Please follow us on social for more inspiring ocean content: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
This week on ocean.org we explore super kelp - from storm protection to nutritious snack, we could all use a kelping hand: https://ocean.org/stories/kelp/
1. New episodes of Ocean Kitchen! Sustainable and delicious, Ocean Wise Executive Chef Ned Bell cooks with kelp, learn how to make:
2. Learn more about kelp (not just a superfood, it's a superhero)
3. Good for your skin too, learn how to make a DIY kelp facemask
4. Riding the Kelp Highway - Pacific kelp forests might have helped people the Americas
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!Our team at the Vancouver Aquarium wanted to wish you all a happy and safe Halloween. Click here for some tips to stay super safe and visible, and for some ideas on how to recycle your Halloween costumes, decorations, and candy!
If you want to be just like us, sign up for our Pro-D day and winter camps; registration is open!
Did you know that members of the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal care team are currently on deck at the Alaska SeaLife Center assisting with the intensive care of a rescued male beluga calf?!
The calf was rescued on September 30th after he was found stranded and struggling near Trading Bay in Western Cook Inlet. He was brought to the Alaska SeaLife Center for 24-hour critical care. He was estimated to be between 2-4 weeks old, and is a part of the endangered Cook inlet beluga whale population, which consists of about 340 individuals.
Experts from the Vancouver Aquarium, Georgia Aquarium, Shedd Aquarium, Mystic Aquarium, and Sea World are all working in shifts around the clock to provide 24 hour intensive care to the orphaned calf. He is fighting to get better, and has become strong enough to latch onto a bottle to feed! Rescued newborn cetaceans have a very low chance of survival, usually 10%, but our teams are working hard with the singular goal of trying to save this young beluga's life. Follow the Vancouver Aquarium Facebook page and AquaBlog to stay updated!
On October 23rd at the Vancouver Aquarium, join us for an engaging evening of storytelling, videos and music with Canada C3 Expedition Leader Geoff Green and Leg 15 participants! Learn about the 150-day expedition and the key project themes: diversity and inclusion, the environments, reconciliation, and youth engagement.
For Kids: Canada C3 and Vancouver Educations will be there to engage young audience members with hands-on activities using the Canada C3 giant floor map and The Aquarium Wet Labs.
Register here:
Junior Biologist Club is open for registration! We are excited to kick off another season of exploration and discovery! Please click the following link for our registration page, which contains information about all of our upcoming club sessions and themes.
If you have any questions about our club, our themes, or online learning website, please contact our Junior Biologist Club coordinator, Hailey, at hailey.renaud@ocean.org or 604-659-3444!
Our first theme this season is Stellar Stellers! Steller sea lion populations worldwide are declining, specifically along our coast, with many possible reasons including disease, predators, competing for food and space, pollution, and other human related factors. Learn all about how the sea lion research at the aquarium has helped to understand these wild populations!
We hope to see our young biologists joining us on Saturday mornings!
Best fishes,
It has been an amazing summer of AquaCamps but it's time for your campers to head back to school! Here are some back-to-school green hacks to consider as you get ready for the new school year!
Happy Learning!
Hello Campers, Parents & Guardians!
We hope you had a "whale" of a time exploring our Ocean at camp this week. Our educators, ocean critters and volunteers want to say thank you for making this week extra "fish-tastic"!
We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great changes to our program over the past few years. Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best "fishes" with the rest of your summer!
Hello Campers, Parents & Guardians!
We hope you had a "whale" of a time exploring our Ocean at camp this week. Our educators, ocean critters and volunteers want to say thank you for making this week extra "fish-tastic"!
We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great changes to our program over the past few years. Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best "fishes" with the rest of your summer!
Hello Campers, Parents & Guardians!
We hope you had a "whale" of a time exploring our Ocean at camp this week. Our educators, ocean critters and volunteers want to say thank you for making this week extra "fish-tastic"!
We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great changes to our program over the past few years. Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best "fishes" with the rest of your summer!
Hailey :)
Hello Campers, Parents & Guardians!
We hope you had a "whale" of a time exploring our Ocean at camp this week. Our educators, ocean critters and volunteers want to say thank you for making this week extra "fish-tastic"!
We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great changes to our program over the past few years. Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best "fishes" with the rest of your summer!
Hailey :)
Hello Campers, Parents & Guardians!
We hope you had a "whale" of a time exploring our Ocean at camp this week. Our educators, ocean critters and volunteers want to say thank you for making this week extra "fish-tastic"!
We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great changes to our program over the past few years.
Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best Fishes,
Hello Parents, Guardians & AquaCampers!!
Your educators wanted to thank
you for a “Fish-tastic” week of AquaCamps! We had a whale of a week
exploring our oceans with you and hope you enjoyed your experience with us as
well. We value your feedback and it has resulted in some great
changes to our program over the past few years.
Please follow this link to our short AquaCamps 2017 Summer Survey
and share with us what you and your campers would like to see continue and what
you would like to see change.
Did you have an exceptional camp experience this summer? If so, or if you would like a special way to say thank you to your camp educator, please consider submitting a Tourism Nomination!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery & Discussion board for photos and updates from your campers educator.
Best Fishes,
Our first day of camp has just come to an end and we hope our campers enjoyed it as much as we did! We had many camp groups doing different activities today including: a hands on session in the wet lab, plankton sampling at the beach with plankton tows, squid dissecting, and exploring the beach in search of critters.
Make sure you check our gallery for this week and discussion board to find out from your camper's leader what your camper got up to today!!
Camp is only 1 week away and our Camp Educators are looking forward to meeting all the campers this summer! They have been busy preparing new games, activities and crafts to guide campers on an exploration of the ocean. This weekend our educators were spotted testing out their beach interpretation skills on the shores of Stanley Park. They found sea cucumbers, sea stars, urchins, crabs, and a fried-egg jellyfish! What will your camper discover at the beach this summer?
This community is for you - our AquaCampers, Jr. Biologists and parents & guardians!
- Check out our gallery to see what our campers and Jr. Biologists have been up to lately.
- Head to our discussion board to hear from your campers' or Jr. Biologists' educator about their day or ask our educators questions in our Camper's Questions Forum.
- Take a look at our resources for camp details including the parent letter and camp drop off and pick up map, as well as other resources for parents on Nature Play.
- Visit our Ocean Events Calendar to see what ocean themed events are happening near you!
Happy Camping!
Nicole Straughan
Children & Youth Programs Manager
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre