Stellar Stellers

Oct 4, 2017 at 12:47 PM by Hailey Renaud

Steller sea lion populations worldwide are declining, specifically along our coast, with many possible reasons including disease, predators, competing for food and space, pollution, and other human related factors. Learn all about how the sea lion research at the aquarium has helped to understand these wild populations!

In our first JBC session this year, we delve into all things Steller! We begin by exploring the differences between the seals and sea lions here at the aquarium, making observations just like a scientist! Then, we will brainstorm some threats to sea lions and the conservation efforts put into place, and discuss how scientific research has played an important role in understanding sea lions. Finally, we will put our knowledge into practice, and use scientific methods to learn just like real sea lion biologists!

What did we do today?

  • Made some observations and comparison between the harbour seals and Steller sea lions here at the aquarium.
  • Learned why it is important to learn about sea lions – they have experienced an 80% decline in population between 1970-2002!
  • Brainstormed some conservation efforts currently in place to help protect sea lions.
  • Discussed the importance of research in understanding wild populations of sea lions!
  • Performed 3 experiments just like real sea lion biologists…
    • Aerial surveys: used to determine how large the sea lion population is!
    • Owl pellet classification: researchers use similar methods with sea lion scat to determine which types of fish and marine organisms sea lions are consuming!
    • Herring dissection: an important part of understanding if nutritional requirements of sea lions are being met is to explore the nutrition itself!

Questions to ask your Jr. Biologists

  1. What are some threats that sea lions are facing every day? (boat/ship strikes, contaminants/pollutants, habitat degradation, illegal hunting/shooting, offshore oil and gas exploration, interactions with fisheries (entanglement, hooks, injury, competition for food resources), hunted (for fur, meat, oil), killing for bounty, relocation, predation by killer whales, disease)
  2. What are some of the techniques our marine mammal trainers use to identify our sea lions? (the biggest one is actually by the shape of their eyes!)
  3. Why do researchers look at animal poop? What information can it provide? (it gives great insight into what type of food the animal is consuming – for sea lions, you can look at what fish and other marine organisms the sea lions are eating, and see if it is related to their population decline!)
  4. What is a pinniped? (fin or flipper-footed, have front and rear flippers, includes seals, sea lions, and walruses!)
  5. What are some things we can do to help prevent Steller sea lion population decline? (public education, cleaning up the environment (Shoreline Cleanup!), choosing sustainable seafood options (Ocean Wise seafood), reduce how much plastic we use in our day to day life!)