Ethan’s Camp Day 3

Jul 19, 2019 at 9:37 AM by Ethan

Hey Kringy Krabs and parents,

We had quite a wet day at camp today. 

What we did today

  • We started our day off in the tropics where we completed an animal ID and scavenger hunt in our log books.
  • We then revisited the amazon habitat to take a look at some tarantulas sand freshwater sting rays. 
  • After snack we played arctic maze and did a picture this with the animals of the aquarium. 
  • After lunch we learned about the scientific method and formulated research experiments we could do on green sea urchins. 
  • We concluded the day by watching a sea lion training program. 

Some questions to ask your Aqua Camper

  • What did you test with your sea urchin?
  • Which animal did you do an ID card for?

Have a splashtastic day campers! Remember we have the MMR field trip tomorrow. 
