Ethan’s Camp Day 4

Jul 19, 2019 at 9:45 AM by Ethan

Hey Kringy Krabs and parents,

We had quite action packed day at camp today. 

What we did today

  • This morning we focused on elasmobranch fishes which are sharks and their relatives. We visited the tropics to see our reef sharks and epaulette shark and pacific Canada to see the skates and ratfish. 
  • We then went to watch a 4D show that was filled with bubbles. 
  • After snack we went up to the shark penthouse behind the scenes where we learned how the sharks are fed, we also saw where all the reptiles are held. 
  • We dissected a herring and tried to find the hardest organ: the brain!
  • After our dissection we boarded the bus to the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre where the staff talked about what they do to rescue orphaned or hurt seals. 

Some questions to ask your Aqua Camper

  • What type of shark can live for extended periods of time without water?
  • Which seal was your favourite at MMR?

Awesome day today campers! Remember it’s costume day on Friday!
