Ethan and Megan’s Camp Day 1

Jul 22, 2019 at 6:51 PM by Ethan

Hey Aqua Campers and parents,

We had an awesome first day of camp

What we did today

  • We had our camp intro at Stellar’s Bay where the sea lions joined us. 
  • We visited the harbour seals and the California sea lions and learned how Dr Marty treats wild sea lions suffering from plastic neck. 
  • After snack we made a community contract and did a plankton collection at the beach. 
  • After lunch we examined the plankton under a microscope and drew what we saw. 
  • We concluded our day watching the Sea Lion program at the Stellar’s bay. 

Some questions to ask your Aqua Camper

  • What did the plankton look like under a microscope?
  • What were 3 types of food the trainers fed and the sea lion program?

Have a splashtastic day!!

Ethan and Megan