Ethan and Maddy’s Camp Day 3

Aug 1, 2019 at 10:43 AM by Ethan

Hey Beluga squad and parents!

We had an a-ray-zing day of camp today!

What did we do today:

  • We visited the sharks at the tropics exhibit today and even saw the elusive epaulette shark!
  • After snack we learned about the scientific method scientist use to conduct experiments and projects. We used this knowledge to formulate some experiments we could test with green sea urchins. 
  • We played a big game if paranoia together with our buddy camp. 
  • After lunch we made some letters to the UN to inspire world leaders to care more about the environment. 
  • We ended the day with a game of survival where we learned about predator and prey relationships. 

Questions you can ask your Camper:

  • What experiment did you do with your urchins?
  • What role were you in survival?

Have a splashtastic day!! Remember tomorrow is MMR field trip day!

Ethan and Maddy