Jaclyn and Marissa's First Day at Camp!

Aug 6, 2019 at 7:03 PM by Jaclyn Oliver

Today we had a very exciting first day at camp! We started off by touring through the Amazon gallery, where we found the sloths hiding in the tree and were visited by many, many butterflies...a couple lucky campers even had a butterfly land on them! After a quick snack, we made beautiful personalized sea stars. We also played several games of Hang Fish (like Hangman) and won every single round, even the hardest one! We also got to watch three puppet shows before lunchtime. During lunch, we got to play a wide variety of games and watched an unlucky volunteer fetch his shoe out of a tree. We spent most of the afternoon doing a forest walk, where we hiked out into the Stanley Park forest and played two games, Dragon Egg and Camouflage. We're all looking forward to tomorrow for another exciting day!

PS. Camper photos will be posted daily beginning tomorrow, so keep an eye out!