Ethan and Cassy’s Camp Day 1

Aug 12, 2019 at 8:20 PM by Ethan

Hey Aqua Campers and parents!

We had a whale of a time on our first day of camp!

What did we do today:

  • We started our day with a camp intro at Stellar’s Bay. 
  • We then saw all of the marine mammal habitats like the harbour seals, pacific white sided dolphin and the sea otters!
  • After snack we made a community contract. 
  • We played survival where we learned about predator prey relationships. 
  • After lunch we went on a forest walk and played camouflage. 
  • We concluded our day with a herring dissection. 

Questions you can ask your Camper:

  • What was the coolest part of the fish that you touched?
  • What role were you at survival? What made your role hard?

Awesome first day campers! See you all tomorrow!

Cassy and Ethan