Ethan & Cassy’s Camp Day 2

Aug 14, 2019 at 11:07 AM by Ethan

Hey Aqua Campers and parents!

Here is what we were up to today at aqua camp.....

What did we do today:

  • We saw some cool local animals in treasures of the BC Coast that call our waters home. 
  • After snack we played a big game of paranoia. 
  • We saw some behind the scenes habitats in the fish lab with Dave who showed us some baby fish. 
  • We then went down to the beach to collect some plankton to look at under microscopes. 
  • After lunch we examined the plankton we collected and concluded our day with a visit to the wetlab!

Questions you can ask your Camper:

  • Why was it so hard to find the octopus in the Port Hardy habitat?
  • What was the coolest thing you touched in the wetlab?

We had a splashtastic day! Remember it’s beach day tomorrow!

Cassy and Ethan