Ashley and Caitlin's Camp: Day 2!

Aug 20, 2019 at 6:57 PM by Caitlin Belz

Hi Parents and Campers! 

Day 2 was another FIN-tastic day at Aquacamps!!

What we did today:

  • Explored the galleries in the morning, discovering fish in the "Treasures of BC coast"
  • Went into the Wetlab where we got to touch animals such as sea anemones, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea stars and hermit crabs 
  • Went on a beach walk where we searched for crabs and other ocean invertebrates

Things to ask your camper:

  • What did the sea cucumber feel like?
  • What did the sea anaemone look and feel like?
  • What colour crabs did you find at the beach?

We hope that tomorrow is as otterly amazing as today!!

Caitlin and Ashley