Megan and Rian’s Camp Day 4!

Aug 29, 2019 at 6:32 PM by Megan Rees

Hi AquaParents!

We had a fun-tastic day today! We explored our arctic gallery and checked out our otterly amazing otters!

We also got to see one of our 4D Movies, Splash and Bubbles! Where kids were singing along and grabbing the bubbles with the fishes on screen!

After that we went on our beach walk where we found some really amazing stuff! We saw sea stars, sea urchins and some MASSIVE crabs! Talk to your campers about what they found! 

In the afternoon we saw the meet a penguin show and got to see a penguin waddling around up close! 

Costume day tomorrow! We’re looking forward to an amazing final day of AquaCamps!