Camper Question: "Why are fish gross to me?"

Jul 14, 2017 at 11:32 AM by Nicole Straughan

This week, we had a curious camper ask us:  "Why are fish so gross to me?"

Our answer: There are many reasons one might think a fish is gross.  It could be that they feel slimy or that they smell stinky out of the water.  Maybe its the way they move in the water or flop around on land? Each of us has a different connection with fish and it is up to you to decide how you choose to view them!

Personally, I think fish are COOL because that sliminess on the outside of their scales protects their bodies from scratches and infections.  I am also so interested by the way the scales of some fish (like herring) flash and shimmer to confuse their predators! But which fish do I think is the coolest of them all? The Hagfish and it's slime! Check out this video of a Hagfish to find out why.

Now it's your turn, reply below to share what amazes you about fish!