Go With the Flow

Apr 6, 2018 at 7:24 PM by Jordan Fish

Rivers, oceans, and lakes, oh my! Discover how the water cycle renews and cleans the water flowing in watersheds, which are relied on heavily by humans, animals, and plants alike! Also explore the salmon life cycle, and learn how to predict where salmon live in the watershed at each stage of their life cycle!

In our seventh installment of Junior Biologist Club we are going on a water adventure starting at the dawn of time and the dinosaurs to ask questions about the history and origins of water. Where did water come from? Are we drinking dinosaur pee? All very important questions that our junior biologists will tackle at the start of our session. We then venture outside to visit the salmon run built by the Aquarium in 2000 to point out how differing ecosystems host salmon throughout their life cycle.

Along the way we will pause to be Jr. Hydrologists and test the water quality with an ammonia kit to open conversation about the importance of water health for animals like salmon and animals up the food chain to ultimately reach us humans.

To wrap up our session we discuss everyday habits to help keep our waters flowing happily such as turning off a faucet while brushing your teeth to limiting those long showers.

It's a water-ful day that highlights natures dependence on this liquid that keeps us all hydrated as well as providing us with fun puddles to jump in and make a SPLASH!