Ashley & Allie's Camps: Day 1 Recap!

Jul 8, 2019 at 7:06 PM by Ashley

Hi campers & parents!

Today was our first day of a camp and we enjoyed meeting you all!

What did we do today?

  • After going over camp expectations, we explored our Marine Mammal Deck where we got to see sea lions, sea otters, penguins and a dolphin!
  • Next, we dissected a herring fish and learned all about it's anatomy
  • After lunch, we played the Penguin Ice Hop game where we got to learn all about the life of a penguin 
  • Next, we got to attend the Meet a Penguin Program where we got to see a penguin up close and learn some more super cool facts
  • To finish off the day, we made a penguin craft 

Questions to ask your AquaCampers

  1. What does a herring feel like?
  2. What do penguins eat?
  3. What was your favourite part of the day?

We hope your campers had fun today and can't wait to spend the rest of the week exploring our Ocean with you!