Ashley and Allie's Camps: Day 4 Recap!

Jul 11, 2019 at 9:49 PM by Ashley

Hi campers & parents!

We had an "otter-ly" awesome day at camp!

What did we do today?

  • Ashley's camp went to the Tropics Gallery where we got to see lionfish, seahorses, and sharks!
  • We got to go behind the scenes to see the jellies in the aquarium's jelly hallway
  • We watched the new 4D movie called "Splash and Bubbles"
  • We played some active running games called "Ship to Shore" and "Sea Star Tag"
  • We read about Rainbow Fish and all his friends during story time before completing a Rainbow Fish craft
  • After lunch, we made some squid hats - they looked "INK-credible!
  • To finish off the day, we dissected a squid and got to learn all about it's anatomy 

Questions to ask your AquaCampers

  1. What does a squid feel like?
  2. What was your favourite part of the 4D movie?

We had a "splash" today at camp! We have another fun day at camp planned for tomorrow.  Campers can look forward to going to the waterpark tomorrow afternoon as well as wearing any costume they want to camp (if they feel like it!)

See you all tomorrow morning.

- Ashley & Allie!