Ethan’s Camp Day 1

Jul 17, 2019 at 9:21 AM by Ethan

Hey Kringy Krabs and parents,

We had our first day at camp!

What we did today

  • We did a camp intro in the Stellar’s Bay habitat. 
  • Explored the Amazon habitat and learned about the butterflies and reptiles. 
  • After snack we made a community contract. 
  • Played a new name game called chaos names
  • Talked about marine mammals and examined their skulls
  • Played octopus tag and sea star tag. 
  • After lunch we did a plankton tow and learned about the food chain

Some questions to ask your Aqua Camper

  • What large creatures eat plankton other than whales?
  • Why are the dolphins teeth outward growing?

Have a splashtastic day!
