Ethan’s Camp Day 2

Jul 17, 2019 at 9:31 AM by Ethan

Hey Kringy Krabs and parents,

We had a splashtastic day today learning about our sea creature neighbours!

What we did today

  • We started our day at the treasures of the BC coast gallery and observed some local animals. Completed an animal ID page of our fave neighbour. 
  • After snack we made a awesome craft out of recycled plastic lids. We made our own aquariums. 
  • We explored our wetlab in preparation of the beach walk and got introduced to some intertidal species. 
  • After lunch we concluded the day with a beach walk where we found so many sea stars, sea urchins, crabs, polychaete worms, nudibranchs, sponges and even fish!

Some questions to ask your Aqua Camper

  • What was your favourite thing we touched in the wetlab?
  • What was the coolest animal we found on the beach today?

Have a splashtastic day!
