Ethan and Maddy’s Camp Day 2

Jul 30, 2019 at 7:06 PM by Ethan

Hey Beluga squad and parents!

We had an a-Ray-zing day at camp

What did we do today:

  • We went to the Treasures of the BC coast today to look at animals that call our shores home. 
  • After snack we went down to the beach to the best tides ever! We found nudibranchs, sea urchins, sea anemones, sea cucumbers, shrimps, snails, crabs and even some fish!
  • After lunch we went to the wetlab to touch some animals that we found on the beach. 
  • We concluded the day with a game of paranoia. 

Questions you can ask your Camper:

  • What was your favourite animal you found on the beach?
  • What do sea urchins and sea stars have to help them move?

Have a splashtastic day!!

Ethan and Maddy