Ashley and Pam's Camps: Day 3

Aug 9, 2019 at 11:01 AM by Ashley

Hi campers & parents!

We had a CRAB-ulous day at camp!

What did we do today?

  • In the morning, we went to the Treasures of BC Coast gallery and saw all different types of fish, urchins and even anemones!
  • We went to the 4-D movie called "Splash and Bubbles" where we learned to be ocean friends forever
  • After snack, we went on a beach walk where we saw a moon jelly, crabs and other cool creatures
  • Then, we read a couple different stories before completing a sea otter craft
  • After lunch, we had an animal from the Amazon gallery come and visit us...A BALL PYTHON!  We got to ask the aquarium biologist lots of questions about snakes
  • To finish off the day, we did a squid dissection and learned all about its anatomy

Questions to ask your AquaCampers

  1. What does a squid feel like?
  2. Was your squid a girl or a boy?

We had an INK-credible day at camp today!  Just a reminder that tomorrow is costume day!  Campers can choose to wear their favorite costume/outfit tomorrow to camp however it is not mandatory. :)