Jaclyn and Rian's First Day!

Aug 13, 2019 at 11:20 AM by Jaclyn Oliver

Today we had a very exciting first day at camp! We started off by touring through the Amazon gallery, where we found the sloths hiding in the tree and were visited by many, many butterflies which flew right by our faces many time! After a quick snack, we looked closely at a mystery animal's beak and each drew the animal we thought it was from. Although we had lots of great guesses - parrots, crabs, squirrels - only one camper guessed correctly that it was from a Giant Squid! We followed up with the cephalopod theme by playing several rounds of a game called Octopus and, our favorite, dissecting a squid! Everyone got a chance to rub the outside of the squid to activate the chromatophores and make it change color, and we identified both of our squid as males. After lunch, we spent most of the afternoon outside playing games and doing crafts. We made beautiful stingrays out of paper plates and played a game called Shark Sanctuary, where we learned a lot about the life of a shark and about marine protected areas. We're looking forward to another fun day at camps tomorrow!