Day 3: Shelly's Camp

Aug 15, 2019 at 2:10 AM by Michelle Chan

Happy Wednesday!

Some of the highlights of camp today include:

-visiting the Tropics Gallery in the morning where we saw black-tipped reef sharks, an epaulette shark, a manta ray, and even Schoona our rescued green sea turtle!

- an exclusive AquaCamp showing of A Reef Reborn in our 4D theatre

-working with our Youth Environmental Leadership Program (YELP) and AquaVan in their new stream chemistry program where we tested and observed the biodiversity, clarity, and pH of a stream near the aquarium 

- an awesome beach walk where we found many crabs, sea stars, and even a few baby sea urchins

Things to ask your camper:

-where was Schoona rescued from and why does she now live at the aquarium?

-how did the townspeople in A Reef Reborn save the reefs off the coast of their hometown in Mexico?

-what does great biodiversity indicate in a stream and what kind of things may decrease it?

-what types of invertebrates did you find at the beach and where did you find it?

See you tomorrow!
