Ashley and Pam's Camps: Day 1 and 2 Recap!

Aug 29, 2019 at 6:26 PM by Ashley

Hi campers & parents!

We had an a-RAY-zing couple of days at camp!

What did we do today?

  • We went to the Amazon gallery where we saw snakes, birds, and butterflies as well as the Tropics gallery where we saw different types of fish, sharks and a green sea turtle!
  • We went to the Wet Lab where we got to touch several different animals such as sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sea anemones, and more!
  • We played some different parachute games 
  • We went to the water park and had a SPLASH!
  • We completed a herring dissection and learned some really "FIN-tastic" facts about herring and their anatomy

Questions to ask your AquaCampers

  1. What was your favorite animal in the Amazon gallery?
  2. What does a sea cucumber feel like?
  3. What did the squid feel like?

We had a CRAB-ulous day at camp today! 

- Ashley and Pam :)