Marisa Yip

- Languages : English
- Last Login : Jun 29, 2020
About Me
My name is Marisa!
I was born and raised in Surrey BC. A true lover of all things biology-related, I attended Simon Fraser University where I studied Biological Sciences and Forensic Studies. During my time at SFU, I had the opportunity to attend Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre in Bamfield, Vancouver Island where I studied marine invertebrates and completed a research project on hermit crab shell selection due to weight differences in the presence of ocean acidification. Here, I fell in love with the ocean and everything that it has to offer! I graduated in October 2018 with a BSc. Biological Sciences and a Certificate in Forensic Sciences.
I have volunteered with the Science Outreach program at SFU, been the director of the SFU Vocal Jazz Club, and have been a Welcome Leader at SFU for new students.
In my spare time, I love singing, scrapbooking, hiking, exploring and reading.
Fun facts about me:
- I am a manager and trainer of sales associates and managers at a global clothing company
- I have a strong dislike for clowns
- My favourite marine animals are sea stars, but my favourite animal overall are koalas.
- My Interests
Animal Rights, Climate Change - Countries I've visited
United States