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Oceanography for kids! daphneaustin Why is the ocean blue? What is life for a sea turtle like? What is a crustacean? What body parts does a shark have? Find out answers to these questions and more with these activities and crafts!
Oct 15th, 2020
7 Ocean Explorers Who Took on the Sea Jordan Fish
Oct 16th, 2018
TED talk: How oceanographers found the Titanic. Jordan Fish On April 15, 1912 the RMS Titanic tragically sank to the bottom of the sea. 73 years later, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Robert Ballard and his team discovered the famed liner's remains. In this National Geographic segment, Dr. Ballard describes how he gathered support to find the Titanic, the moment of its discovery and the mission to preserve its legacy.
Oct 16th, 2018
What does an oceanographer do? Jordan Fish Several thousand marine scientists are busy at work in the United States dealing with a diversity of important issues — from climate change, declining fisheries, and eroding coastlines, to the development of new drugs from marine resources and the invention of new technologies to explore the sea.
Oct 16th, 2018
What is biological oceanography? Jordan Fish The goal of biological oceanography is to understand what controls the abundances, kinds, and temporal variation of organisms in the sea. Our research and teaching programs are oriented toward a mechanistic understanding of processes. To this end we employ a variety of approaches including field observations, laboratory experiments and theoretical models.
Oct 16th, 2018
What is geological oceanography? Jordan Fish Put simply, geological oceanography is the study of the ocean floor. This branch of earth science is focused on the geological structure and topography of the ocean floor and the natural processes that create and modify these features. Scientists specializing in this field apply oceanographic principles and techniques to uncover important geological events that have occurred millions of years ago, as well as to predict those likely to occur in the future.
Oct 16th, 2018
What is physical oceanography Jordan Fish Physical oceanography focuses on describing and understanding the evolving patterns of ocean circulation and fluid motion, along with the distribution of its properties such as temperature, salinity and the concentration of dissolved chemical elements and gases.
Oct 16th, 2018
What is chemical oceanography? Jordan Fish Chemical Oceanographers examine the chemical composition of the oceans. They examine the acidity or otherwise and attempt to understand how the ecology, biology and other elements of an ocean might change based on the shifting chemical profile.
Oct 16th, 2018
James Cameron 3D Deep Sea Challenge Jordan Fish The DEEPSEA CHALLENGE team is dedicated to advancing the world’s understanding of our ocean’s vast range of biological and geological phenomena. The historic expedition to the Mariana Trench’s lowest point, the Challenger Deep, which lies 6.83 miles (10.99 kilometers) below the ocean surface, was the first extensive scientific exploration in a manned submersible of the deepest spot on Earth. On March 26, 2012, James Cameron successfully piloted the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER—outfitted for scientific exploration—to the ocean's deepest point, where he collected samples and documented the experience in the high-resolution 3-D for which he's known globally.
Oct 16th, 2018
National Geographic- Oceanography Jordan Fish The study of oceanography is interdisciplinary. The ocean’s properties and processes function together and cannot be examined separately from one another. The chemical composition of water, for example, influences what types of organisms live there. In turn, organisms provide sediments to the geology of the seafloor. Oceanographers must have a broad understanding of these relationships to research specific topics, or subdisciplines.
Oct 16th, 2018
Intro to Oceanographer Jordan Fish A preview of the amazing and mysterious world we'll explore in our Earth Science Oceanography module. Also my first time doing a modified music mashup (4 versions of Orinoco Flow). Presented in conjunction with Mother of Divine Grace School's Earth Science course.
Oct 16th, 2018