Total: 23

Name Added by Description
Urchin, Otter, Kelp haileyrenaud In the game below, you will experience first hand how interconnected the urchin, otter and kelp feedback loop is.
Apr 16th, 2020
Aerial Population Survey - Steller Sea Lions haileyrenaud Look at the aerial photographs, beginning with photo 1, and count or estimate how many sea lions are present in these areas.
Apr 9th, 2020
Make a Sea Otter Food Web haileyrenaud Cut out the photos and create your own sea otter food web. Remove different species to see how it affects the rest of the feed web's survival.
Apr 3rd, 2020
Arctic Adventure Maze haileyrenaud Children will learn the challenges animals (either beluga or polar bears) face when travelling in the arctic through this fun Minesweeper maze.
Apr 3rd, 2020
Jeopardy: Ocean Life Edition haileyrenaud Challenge your family to this ocean themed game of Jeopardy!
Apr 2nd, 2020
Indoor, Low-Set Up Games haileyrenaud A collection of our favourite icebreaker and transition games that often require very minimal set up and space!
Apr 2nd, 2020
Sing-A-Long! haileyrenaud A collection of our favourite songs to sing at camp!
Apr 2nd, 2020
Ocean Zones Scavenger Hunt haileyrenaud Scroll deep into the ocean abyss through’s page on the Deep Sea, where the sunlight can no longer penetrate this world of eerie, cold darkness. Miles beneath the surface lies and unexplored world, filled with sights we have never imagined!
Apr 2nd, 2020
Ocean Wise Videos haileyrenaud A collection of educational videos to learn more about some of our favourite sea animals and the work and research done at Ocean Wise.
Apr 2nd, 2020
Do-It-Yourself and Recipes haileyrenaud A collection of DIY tutorials and recipes to keep you and your family entertained and green!
Apr 2nd, 2020
NOAA: Resources Collection haileyrenaud Resources to help integrate NOAA science into formal and informal education.
Apr 1st, 2020
NAAEE: Online Teaching Tools & Resources haileyrenaud This site includes a list of resources designed to keep learners of all ages interested and engaged during the crisis, from hands-on activities and lesson plans to websites, virtual tours, and more. We encourage you to take part in the discussion forum and comment on the resources that are most helpful to you and let us know about any others that you would recommend. And please share stories about what you’re doing that’s working!
Apr 1st, 2020
Build & Battle - Coral Reefs haileyrenaud Everyone has a role in protecting our oceans and there are many things you can do from home to help. This activity helps explore at home conservation actions that can help save the reef home of our favourite ocean creatures.
Mar 30th, 2020
Tasty Coral Reef haileyrenaud This yummy craft builds an exoskeleton out of chocolate and adds candy to show the algae living in the corals. It’s a great way to learn about coral biology and have a snack!
Mar 30th, 2020
Ocean Yoga haileyrenaud Ocean Yoga puts an aquatic spin on this popular activity. Yoga is a great way to get your whole family moving while social distancing. Try out these different animal moves get your blood moving!
Mar 30th, 2020
Ocean Fishbowl haileyrenaud Ocean fishbowl is a take on the classic family game charades. In this version there are three rounds to decide the ultimate winner.
Mar 30th, 2020
Freezing Point Experiment haileyrenaud Animals that live in the arctic often deal with water temperatures that are below zero and have evolved adaptations to make living in sub-zero temperatures possible. This experiment will look at the chemistry of freezing points and how this effects life in the arctic.
Mar 30th, 2020
Home Safari haileyrenaud An important part of studying animals is studying their behaviours. It’s how we learn a lot about them! Make a list of behaviours you observe throughout your house - you might discover some odd things about your family!
Mar 30th, 2020
Find the Octopus haileyrenaud Hide these octopuses all over your house to see their camouflaging powers!
Mar 30th, 2020
Online Ocean Literacy Courses haileyrenaud Ocean Wise has combined our expert knowledge in ocean science, our ongoing research, and passion for the ocean to bring you Ocean Literacy Courses. These interactive and comprehensive online classrooms are perfect for educators and students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the ocean.
Mar 30th, 2020
Two minutes on oceans with Jim Toomey haileyrenaud UN Environment has partnered with internationally acclaimed cartoonist, Jim Toomey – of Sherman’s Lagoon fame – in developing a series of short videos to raise awareness of the importance of oceans and the coastal environment. The videos use animation and humor to explain, in clear and simple language, the role that oceans play in our lives and our very survival.
Mar 30th, 2020
#BePlasticWise haileyrenaud Tips, tricks and activities to minimize your daily plastic use to become more plastic wise.
Mar 30th, 2020
Online Games haileyrenaud A collection of online activities and games through Ocean Wise, NOAA, iBiome, PBS Kids and more!
Mar 30th, 2020