1. Sneaky Animals
Does your little one like to play hide and seek? Lots of animals in nature play hide and see too! Go down this collection of champion animal hiders and see if your little tot can learn something new!
Some animals hide behind other things. This baby elephant is still learning how to hide!

Some animals blend right into the background! Can you find the arctic hare hiding in the photo?

Stingrays are good hiders too. They like to dig into the sand and hide from scary animals.

They flap their fins to hide in the sand! Flap Flap Flap!

Seahorses have a disguise! These leafy sea dragons look just like the seaweed behind them!

The pygmy seahorse is covered in bumps like their coral home!

But in the whole wide ocean, the octopus is the best hider!
They can fit in teeny tiny holes

They can change their colour to blend in, or camouflage

Some are like the stingray and want to hide in the sand!

Once they get found though, they make a whole cloud of ink and RUN!

So if your tot wants to be the best at hide and seek, they can learn from lots of animals! They can make their blend in to their background, they can dress in a disguise, or they can run away when they're found! Now, it's time for you and your tot to play hide and seek! Have fun and good luck!

- Try out some animal hiding techniques!
- Colour some print outs and try to camouflage them around your home!
Learning Objectives
- Animals hide too!
- Different animals have different ways to hide
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