Cassy & Marisa's Camp: Day 1

Jul 22, 2019 at 8:56 PM by Marisa Yip

Hello aqua campers and parents!

We had a fintastic day at camps today. 

We started off our day at Camp Intro where we a learned about camp expectations. 

We said good morning to Senor Cinco our California Sea Lion, our Stellar Sea Lions, our penguins and sea otters. 

After a snack, we made our community contracts again and outlining our expectations for camp. 

We got to meet our 3 year old walruses, Balzack and Lakina. They're so cute!

After lunch, we went on a beach walk and met some cool intertidal sea creatures, a harbor seal and a blue heron. 

Questions to ask your camper: 
- How do walruses use their tusks and whiskers?
- What was the coolest creature you found at the beach today and what was neat about it?

See you tomorrow for another toad-ally amazing day!

- Cassy & Marisa