Allie & Marisa's Camp: Day 1

Aug 26, 2019 at 7:54 PM by Marisa Yip

Hello everyone!

We had an otterly awesome first day of aquacamps!

We started off our day at camp intro where we learned about the rules and expectations of camp.

We said good morning to our marine mammals. Marisa's camp got to catch a little bit of Helen's training session. Allie's camp got to eat snack with our stellar sea lions.

Next we had snack and went over our camp rules one more time by signing our community contract. We came up with our team names!

After snack we went on a short forest walk to camouflage forest and played a game of camouflage.

After lunch, we learned about the body parts of a herring and got to dissect one!

We finished off our day by meeting one of our African penguins named Hope. We also did a penguin craft.

Questions to ask your camper:

- What was the most interesting body part of the fish and what does the body part do to help the fish function?

- How do penguins take care of their young?

We'll sea you again for another fintastic day!

- Marisa & Allie