Rian & Marisa's Camp: Day 4

Jul 11, 2019 at 9:19 PM by Marisa Yip

Hello Sneaky Sea Urchins, Silly Sea Otters & parents

It was our 4th day of aquacamps! 

We started our day off in the Amazon and Tropics gallery. We learned about butterflies and met Piku the pig-nosed turtle. 

We saw another 4D movie called Splash & Bubbles. 

We played Penguin Ice Hop, where we learned about predator-prey interactions and how climate change is affecting our oceans and habitats.

We went on a beach walk and found lots of crabs. We learned how to tell the difference between female and Male crabs. 

After lunch, we met a parrot at the aquarium named Gino! Gino's biologist friend told us some fun facts about parrots. 

We rushed over to our meet a penguin show and learned about our African penguins. We got to see Salt Spring & Tofino waddle around. 

We finished off our day making shark headbands. 

See you tomorrow for our last day! 

- Rian & Marisa