Cassy & Marisa's camp: Last day!

Jul 26, 2019 at 7:47 PM by Marisa Yip


We had an absolute blast today!

We started our day off with the leader skit "Jack Otter & the Kelp Forest." Our animals were happily living in the kelp forest when suddenly a giant sea urchin starts eating up the whole kelp forest, leaving our animals homeless and sad.

We visited our Frogs exhibit and learned about some cool frogs, why some are extinct or going extinct and how they eat.

We saw a 4D movie called, "A Reef Reborn." We learned about how we must protect the biodiversity of our reefs by not overfishing them.

We played the Adaptation game and learned abou some of the challenges deep sea creatures face.

We got a behind the scenes tour of the marine animal kitchen and tanks and got to go to the Pacific Canada Strait of Georgia exhibit and feed the fish in there! VIPs!

We watched Cassy do a quick plankton tow at the beach.

After lunch, we observed our plankton under the microscope and learned about how plankton are super important to food chains.

Marisa's campers played a theme game after.

We saw the conclusion to our leader skit. Jack Otter stopped the sea urchin from eating all of the kelp forest by reminding her that we have to be respectful to all of our animals in our ecosystem otherwise if one population is too big, it could cause the collapse of another.

We finished off our day with thank you cards for some aquarium animals, staff members and parents.

Questions to ask your camper:
- What kinds of things did you learn about the marine animal kitchen? What kinds of foods do our fish in the Strait of Georgia exhibit eat?
- What is the difference between phytoplankton and zooplankton? Why are they important to the food chain?

Thanks for coming to Aquacamps this summer. We had a splashtastic time with you all!

- Cassy & Marisa