Curriculum Achievements

Which Big Ideas, from BC's New Curriculum, can be achieved through using the Ocean Literacy Courses?


  • Plants and animals have observable features
  • Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials
  • Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together towards common goals
  • Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication
  • Everything we learn helps us to develop skills
  • Communities include many different roles requiring many different skills
  • Designs grow out of natural curiosity
  • Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

  • All living things sense and respond to their environment
  • Exploring our strengths and abilities helps us to identify our goals
  • Leadership requires listening to and respecting the ideas of others
  • Good learning and work habits contribute to short and long-term personal and career success
  • Design can be improved with prototyping and testing
  • Skills are developed through practice, effort and action
  • The choice of technology and tools depends on the task
  • The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people and communities of Canada

Grade 5

  • Earth materials change as they move through the rock cycle and can be used as natural resources
  • Exploring our strengths and abilities helps us to identify our goals
  • Leadership requires listening to and respecting the ideas of others
  • Good learning and work habits contribute to short and long-term personal and career success
  • Design can be improved with prototyping and testing
  • Skills are developed through practice, effort and action
  • The choice of technology and tools depends on the task
  • Natural resources continue to shape the economy and identity of different regions of Canada

Grade 6

  • Multicellular organisms rely on internal systems to survive, reproduce, and interact with their environment
  • Our personal digital identity forms part of our public identity
  • Leadership represents good planning, goal-setting and collaboration
  • Complex tasks require acquisition of additional skills
  • Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies
  • Complex global problems require international cooperation to make difficult choices for the future
  • Media sources can both positively and negatively affect our understanding of important events and issues