Total: 12

10 Tips for Living Plastic Free(r)

Added by: Rachael B-I

How do you begin living plastic free? Start small - follow even just one of these helpful tips and you will be making an impact on our global plastic consumption.
Apr 6th, 2018

Plastic Free Holiday Guide

Added by: Rachael B-I

Gifts, decorations, food, many things that make the holiday season merry and bright seem to be packaged in or made of plastic. This time of year may seem the most difficult to go plastic free, fortunately there are actions that cut down on our plastic use during the holidays.
Apr 6th, 2018

Going Plastic Free for the Long Haul

Added by: Rachael B-I

After a year of exploring alternatives to every day, single-use plastic products and packaging, I still came away with some plastic waste. So, will I continue to try to reduce my plastic consumption? Absolutely!
Apr 6th, 2018

How to Overcome Litter Apathy

Added by: Rachael B-I

It can be easy to feel helpless in the face of litter but, there are much better solutions than simply walking past a rogue candy wrapper wedged in the storm drain.
Apr 6th, 2018

Plastic Free Holiday Dinner

Added by: Rachael B-I

If you are willing to spend some time in the kitchen, you can be rewarded with a delicious dinner that has minimal waste.
Apr 6th, 2018

The Dark Side of the Ducky

Added by: Rachael B-I

Beware the rubber ducky... your favourite bath toy may be more trouble than initially thought.
Apr 6th, 2018

Shoreline Spotlight: One Man vs. Microplastics

Added by: Rachael B-I

When a cargo-train derailment in 2008 near Chuck Hutterli’s town of Mountain Bay, Ontario spilled billions of nurdles — small beads of virgin plastic, about the size of a lentil, which are melted into new plastic products - into Lake Superior. Chuck has been fighting to reclaim his shoreline ever since. “I knew this would be an ongoing issue,” he says, “but I never thought that ten years forward it would still be a problem.”
Apr 6th, 2018

What is Plogging?

Added by: Rachael B-I

A new trend has made its way to Vancouver, BC - PLOGGING! But what is it, and how can it help our oceans?
Apr 6th, 2018

Douglas Copeland Coming to the Vancouver Aquarium

Added by: Rachael B-I

Votex by Douglas Copeland will be opening at the Vancouver Aquarium on May 18th 2018
Apr 6th, 2018

Introducing the Plastic Wise Pledge

Added by: Rachael B-I

The campaign aims to raise awareness about ocean plastic and build collective action by asking people to reduce their plastic waste from single-use items and other sources.
Apr 6th, 2018

Microplastic Research

Added by: Rachael B-I

When plastic enters the ocean, it never really goes away. It breaks down over time into increasingly tiny pieces called microplastics, no larger than a grain of rice (less than 5mm). Find out more about the ongoing research Ocean Wise is conducting to discover the impacts of these tiny but mighty pieces of marine debris
Apr 6th, 2018

Plastic Free Hygiene

Added by: Rachael B-I

Try some of these simple recipes to create plastic free products in your own home
Apr 6th, 2018