Total: 4

Game Time! Build & Battle!

Added by: Nicole Lam

Reefs are biodiversity hotspots and provide safety and housing for many different ocean creatures. Unfortunately, they are under stress from human use and ocean warming/acidification due to climate change. The good news is that organizations like Ocean Wise are working to help combat these conservation issues to help the reefs flourish again. Everyone has a role in protecting our oceans and there are many things you can do from home to help. This activity helps explore at home conservation actions that can help save the reef home of our favourite ocean creatures.
Mar 30th, 2020

Tasty Corals!

Added by: Nicole Lam

This yummy craft builds an exoskeleton out of chocolate and adds candy to show the algae living in the corals. It’s a great way to learn about coral biology and have a snack!
Mar 30th, 2020

Upcycling project - Homemade Stamps

Added by: Nicole Lam

Ocean plastics are threatening our oceans now that some animals like sea turtles and sea birds mistake plastics as their food. With over 8 million tonnes of plastics entering our ocean every year, we can help save the environment by practicing 4Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) in our daily life. Upcycling is one of the ways to reuse plastics and turn them into something useful! Try this homemade stamp craft!
Mar 30th, 2020

Weaving Your Own Rainbow Fish

Added by: Nicole Lam

The ocean is a treasure chest of colours! Simply by looking at a coral reef, you’ll see fishes with different colours and patterns swimming around! These fishes can camouflage using their body patterns and hence hide themselves from predators such as sharks. Corals with different shapes and colours provide extra help for fishes to hide too! This craft is customizable, and your child can use whatever colours they want. It can be a great way for your kids to get artistic !
Mar 30th, 2020