Online Ocean

Online Ocean

At home learning with Ocean Wise. Bringing the ocean to your living room during this extended break.

Fun Activity Centre & Learning Resources

We know it’s a juggling act right now with the kids at home. That’s why our educators and animal experts at Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium have compiled these resources for kids to learn to care for the ocean – and the animals in it – from the comfort of your living room. So dive in.

Content will be updated regularly. Check back often.

For kids aged 2-12:  Colouring and Crafts     Livestreamed Learning     Virtual AquaClass    Complete Education Kits

For youth aged 13-18: DIY Tutorials    Livestreamed Learning      Complete Education Kits     YouthToSea 

For all ages: Recipe Corner Watch Animal Webcams

For more kid resources, visit our Kids Zone.

For more youth resources, visit our Resources Tab.