Climate Strike

Sep 27, 2019  1pm - 5pm

Location:  Vancouver City Hall
Cost:  Free

On September 27th, we will stand together with people across the planet to demand climate justice. This global strike is not just for youth - this time, we need EVERYONE. We need you to put your normal life on hold and show up in the streets to demand dramatic and urgent action against the climate crisis. We will bring together citizens from Vancouver, the surrounding areas and the rest of BC to show our local and federal governments how much bolder we need them to be going forward. This action will build momentum to a federal election where we elect climate leaders.

More information will be added as it is finalized.

Event Specifics:

Start Location: Vancouver City Hall
March Route: Across Cambie Street Bridge
End Location: West Georgia Street and Hamilton Street
Start Time: 1 pm
End Time: Approximately 5 pm

Event Location

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