#GoalUp - Global Citizenship & SDGs

May 14, 2020  09:00 - 10:00

Event URL:  
Cost:  Free

#GoalUp - Global Citizenship & SDGs

May 14, 2020 - 12:00 PM-13:00 PM (Eastern)


Grades 9-12, Social Studies/ Humanities, Global Citizenship

This video conference will allow students the opportunity to come together to explore and define concepts such as equity, empathy and relationality. They will look at how their unique locations translate on a global scale and build consensus on how they can work together as global citizens to resolve some of the world's largest issues addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals.

This conference will be focusing on SDG's: #9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, #10 Reduced Inequalities, #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, #16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, #17 Partnerships for the Goals.

#GoalUp - Global Citizenship & SDGs Stream

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