Arctic Science Liasion

Apr 30, 2020  12pm - 1pm

Event URL:  
Cost:  Free

Kaare Sikuaq Erickson | Arctic Science Liasion

April 30th @ 3:00pm eastern

Kaare Sikuaq Erickson is the North Slope Science Liaison for the Ukpeaġvik Inupiat Corporation in Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow), Alaska. As liaison, he represents hundreds of Arctic researchers to thousands of Arctic residents, and vice versa; he represents thousands of Arctic residents to hundreds of Arctic researchers. Day-to-day responsibilities include providing advice to Arctic research projects during all phases of their projects and facilitating outreach and engagement initiatives in communities in the Arctic. Both Arctic residents and Arctic researchers are alarmed by the extreme climatic and seasonal changes the Arctic is facing. The value of Arctic research has never been greater as the world needs to know the threats we are currently facing. The threats are not only serious to Arctic residents, these are threats against all humans. We need to come together, both Arctic residents and Arctic researchers, and fight together as allies against our common threats and challenges.

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