MOSAiC Arctic | Sara Morris

May 7, 2020  10:00am - 11:00am

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

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Cost:  Free

MOSAiC Arctic | Sara Morris
May 7th @ 1:00pm eastern

Sara played an important role travelling to Tromso, Norway to help get equipment to the Polarstern tested and ready before sailing. She got her undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado Boulder in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Climate. She then went to work at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science) in 2010 at the Global Monitoring Division (GMD) in their ozone and water vapor group. Sara became more and more interested in Arctic science, and took a position in the Physical Sciences Division (PSD), also located at NOAA, and has been working with them since 2012. She's married with a toddler running around, who always keeps her on her toes.

Are you ready to connect with the largest Arctic expedition in history? Welcome to the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) Expedition! An international team of scientists who intentionally locked the icebreaker Polarstern into dense, winter sea ice and will drift across the Arctic polar region for an entire year! As they conduct their research, they'll also be navigating the challenges of re-supplying, maintaining morale in 24-hour darkness, and keeping their equipment functioning in sub-zero temperatures. How will they do all of this? We'll get to ask the expedition members themselves!

These events are in partnership with Reach the World!

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