Exploring the depths of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

May 7, 2020  12:00pm - 1:00pm

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:  
Cost:  Free

Exploring the depths of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
May 7th @ 3:00pm eastern

In 2019, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries partnered with Ocean Exploration Trust to expand our understanding of sanctuaries through deep-water exploration and research. Aboard the E/V Nautilus, Ocean Exploration Trust and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary explorers ventured 10,000 feet under the sea to investigate an octopus garden, characterize deep sea corals and sponges, and visit unexplored regions of the sanctuary. Join us to learn about the highlights from this expedition as the project’s lead scientist, Chad King, recounts the team’s findings.

***These events are run thought Go To Meetings, really easy to join (Joe will still be hosting). All groups join the same way, right in the webinar. We won't see or hear you, but you can type your questions.

Register for the event: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/live/watch.html

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