United Nations Webinar: Keeping the Momentum for Ocean Action Series

May 14, 2020  6:30 - 8:00

Event URL:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2zWeD09UYE-9zF6kFubccOt-Bk-8vnBCmnrV5ydK8HdUMjBPRjBQNTNXU1lONExEQ1NDUjQxVVg5RC4u

In light of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and as per the General Assembly decision 74/548 of 13 April 2020, the 2020 United Nations Ocean Conference has been postponed. The co-hosts of the Conference, the governments of Kenya and Portugal, in consultation with the General Assembly, will decide on possible future dates for the Conference, including timelines for the preparatory process.

The substantive preparations for the Conference will continue and keeping stakeholders mobilized to bring their contribution and commitment will be critical in the lead up to the event.

With the aim of keeping the momentum towards Ocean action, DSDG is working with partners in the organization of a series of sectorial webinars to connect, mobilize and bring new ideas from stakeholders towards the preparation and outreach of the UN Ocean Conference, including the compilation of new Commitments of Ocean Action and progress on previous commitments.

Join UN DESA, the Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, Major Group for Children and Youth, UN Non-governmental Liaison Service and Sustainable Ocean Alliance for a webinar that will mobilize youth representatives, share information and collect ideas on how to keep the momentum towards Ocean Action and the engagement of youth in the preparatory process of the 2020 UN Ocean Conference.

The Youth Participation and Engagement webinar will take place on 14 May, 2020, from 9:30am to 11:00am (EDT). The deadline for registration is 11 May, 2020, at 5:00pm (EDT). Call-in details and information will be shared the day before the event to registered participants via the e-mail provided.

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