Wet Lab Biologist Talk: All about Sea Urchins

May 13, 2020  11:00

Event URL:  https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4315b81b1dbf9e380316e94d0423ca87

Title Wet Lab Biologist Talk: All about Sea Urchins
Date & time May 13 11am PST
For ages Primary and Intermediate 
Livestream link https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4315b81b1dbf9e380316e94d0423ca87
(200 char max)
Join our Wet Lab Biologist and get up close with our sea urchins, where they live, what they eat, how they help us and how we help them in our aquatic classroom.

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