Climate Detective Dr. Matthew Ayre | Shipwrecks and Arctic Exploration

May 19, 2020  10am - 11am

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

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Cost:  Free

Climate Detective Dr. Matthew Ayre | Shipwrecks and Arctic Exploration

May 19th @ 1:00pm eastern

Dr. Matthew Ayre is a Climate Detective (or more officially a Historical Climatologist) at the Arctic Institute of North America and uses 200 year old documents surviving from the Arctic whaling trade to look back at the Arctic climate. The last 50 years has seen the Arctic warm faster than any other planet! But has it always been like this? How quickly has it changed? Join Dr. Ayre to delve into the Arctic whaling voyages of 200 years ago and take look at the Arctic through the eyes of the sailors who once ventured through these icy waters.

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