Pelayo Salinas-de-León | Sharks in the Galapagos

Jun 9, 2020  9am - 10am

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

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Pelayo Salinas-de-León | Sharks in the Galapagos

June 9th @ 12:00pm eastern

Pelayo Salinas-de-León is a marine ecologist with a keen interest in Marine Protected Areas, sharks’ ecology and the communication of science, Pelayo serves as National Geographic Pristine Seas Conservation Scientist and as senior marine ecologist with the Charles Darwin Foundation. His research and conservation efforts around Darwin and Wolf Islands in the north of the Galápagos helped inform the Ecuadorian government's decision to create in 2016 a 40,000 square-kilometer [15,000 square miles, about the size of Switzerland] no-take marine sanctuary.

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