Diva Amon | Deep-sea Biologist

Jun 10, 2020  10am - 11am

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:  

Diva Amon | Deep-sea Biologist

June 10th @ 1:00pm eastern

Diva is a Trinidadian deep-sea biologist who studies what lives in our world's deep oceans, and how we, humans, are impacting it. Throughout her career, Diva has participated in deep-sea expeditions around the world, exploring and studying previously unknown habitats. She has done a considerable amount of science communication and public engagement, with her work featured on CNN International, National Geographic, BBC World and more. Diva is also a co-founder of the non-profit NGO, SpeSeas, dedicated to marine science, education and advocacy in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean. You can find her on Twitter (@DivaAmon) or visit her website (https://divaamon.com/).

Register for the event: https://forms.gle/ufr9azmcE892KrjZ9

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