Week 3: Wednesday August 16th

Aug 16, 2017 at 7:20 PM by Pamela

Hello YELP Leaders!!!!!!

Thanks for another awesome YELP day and for all your leadership with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup!

What did we do today?

  • We began our day with an awesome game of pterodactyl!
  • Carla our Genetics expert came in to talk to us about Killer Whale genetics and the research Ocean Wise is involved in
  • Next, we led a Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup (GCSC) with the AquaCampers. YELPers did an amazing job at helping the kids understand what the GCSC is and how to safely collect garbage and play a part in saving our oceans!
  • After lunch, we got to sort and weigh all the garbage - we collected a total of 10 lbs of garbage!
    • Some of the most interesting things we found include a huge SHOE and two butter knives!!
  • We ended off the day with a SHARK dissection, led by Perry. We got to see and feel a spiny dogfish, and discover and learn about the insides of the animal. It was so neat!!!

Questions to ask your YELPers

1.What was coolest thing you learned about when Carla came in to teach us about genetics?

2.What was the most common piece of garbage found in the GCSC?

3. What was something unexpected or surprising you learned or saw during the shark dissection?


Thanks for another great day leaders!! See you all tomorrow!