Week 3: Thursday August 17

Aug 17, 2017 at 7:15 PM by Pamela

Hello YELP leaders,

Thanks for a fin-tastic, fact-filled, action-packed field work day!!.Here's a refresher on what we did today:

  • We started off the day as scuba divers and surveyed the rockfish from the Treasures of the BC Coast! Then when we were familiar with all the rockfish species, we headed over to the Pacific Canada habitat to survey the rockfish there.
  • The next part of our field day was going down to the beach to collect water samples and check out the different animals that live on our coast.
    • We measured ammonia, pH, and salinity levels with the water samples
    • We also found different kinds of plankton in our water sample- one of the coolest things we found was this skeleton shrimp!!!

  • Alexis, our environmental expert, came in to talk about the effects of plastic on the ocean and how we can play our role as environmental leaders wherever we go!
  • We wrapped up the day by brainstorming solutions for the problems plastic causes in our oceans. We then got to present our solutions to our guest Minister of Environment and Climate Change! Even though we only had 20 minutes to prepare, all the youth leaders presented a very impressive solution to their chosen topic.


Ocean Pollution Research:


Coastal Ocean Research Institute:



1. What was your favourite rockfish?

2. What was the most interesting thing you learned from Alexis when she came in to talk to us?

3. What was your favourite solution from the other groups that presented in our Notorious Plastic Brainstorm?

Thanks again for a g-ray-t day! We will be taking a shuttle bus to the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre and learning about what a day at the centre looks like. See you all tomorrow!