Kara Yeh

Sep 29, 2019 at 12:42 AM by Leaf

My name is Kara and I attend Britannia Secondary School in Vancouver, BC. My favourite activities include: drawing, eating, sleeping, and spending time with family or friends.  Although I enjoy staying cozy at home, I quite enjoy going outdoors and experiencing as many things as I can.

The relationship between mountains and oceans is vital for the environment and survival of organisms, such as animals, plants, and humans. Mountains are essential to oceans, and oceans are essential to mountains. For example, mountains are one of the many providers of water for the ocean. Additionally, since Earth cannot be 100% water, the existence of mountains is necessary, and vice-versa. Therefore, without the existence of the relationship between mountains and oceans, it would result in Earth being inhabitable. The Ocean Literacy Principles outline the important roles that the ocean has, however, the focus of my reflection will be on the fourth Ocean Literacy Principle- the ocean made the Earth habitable. The ocean is a giant, largely unexplored body of water with many important functions, such as the heavy influence it has on Earth’s environment, weather and climate, ecosystems, and various organisms. Although these correspond with other Ocean Literacy Principles, this relates to Earth’s habitability as the influence the ocean has on Earth is proof that Earth could not be habitable without it. In conclusion, the relationship between mountains and oceans is important for Earth’s habitability since the ocean has a heavy influence on the Earth. Having knowledge of the importance of this relationship and how we affect it is a social responsibility, as it allows us to be conscious of the fact that being environmentally friendly is extremely important in keeping our Earth healthy.