Chris Raynard

Oct 7, 2019 at 12:23 AM by Chris

Hey names Chris, im in Grade 12 at vancouver college. Things I like are video games, anime, and cooking. Video games is one of my pride and joys in life. Cooking is another thing  that I enjoy always making something tasty and good. In my spare time I like to cook new and try new foods to further expand my area of food varity.

Watersheds can prove to be difficult when overlapping with other countries or borders . Overlapping watersheds in multiple countries can have conflict with the two goverments who control those two countires. For example one country may support healthy conservartion but the other country may not which causes problems. Also in order to get a conservation group to be able to do something they would need to talk to both countries  in order to come to a comprimise in order to work there. Other problems can occur the same way with borders for example if the water shed connects canada and the U.S it would be illagal if the conservation group crossed back and forth which could  cause problems for both goverments. How this affects conversation groups in total is it takes more time to organise a group to work there if both sides need to agres it could take mounths or years for a pass which it makes it very difficult for the groups to work.  

1 Reply

Oct 8, 2019 at 11:48 PM

Also like to take pictures and make gmvs and amvs in my spare time if any or at all at legion.