Luc Folkersen

Oct 8, 2019 at 12:51 AM by Luc

Although the map was somewhat unclear it appears I live on the upstream watershed of the Coquitlam Butzen Diversion. The downstream watershed is upon reflection quite obvious, the ocean. The fact that watersheds ignore political borders simply means that it would be best if ocean conservation goals were global/international or at least federal, however, this in no way means that just because one side disagrees you shouldn't’ do your best. This simply means that the larger the scale the better the results but don't let this affect your local efforts because those are also important. So while this means it would be better if we could make ocean conservation a global effort it also means that it is somewhat irrelevant to you. You should still be doing your best to be a good environmental steward regardless of who you share a watershed with and what they are doing.

1 Reply

Oct 8, 2019 at 12:59 AM

Sorry I didn't see the sentence about describing myself till after I posted it.

My name is Luc Folkersen I am a grade 12 student at Rockridge Secondary.  I enjoy reading, kayaking kickboxing, and long hikes with my dog. On a side note, I am also told quite often that I would forget my own head if it wasn't so attached to me. (thought you should know since we're gonna spend a few days together.)