Connor Chai

Oct 8, 2019 at 6:31 PM by Connor Chai

Three Little Known Facts about the Coastal mountains

1. They are rich with minerals

Not only do these mountains provide wood that feed various paper and sawmills, but they are also very mineral rich. Among the many granite, aluminum, copper, and gold mines in vicinity of the Coastal Mountains, the aluminum smelter in Kitmat, is one of the largest manufacturing plants on the coast.

        2.  Canada's first grizzly bear sanctuary is located in the Coastal Mountains

        In 1994, the Khutzeymateen Valley was established as the first area in Canada protected specifically for grizzly bears. The size of this park is 44,300 hectares, or 443 kilometers squared.

        3.  They are huge

        The Coastal Mountains, part of the Pacific Mountain System, stretch out from the coast of British Columbia into Yukon.  It is about 1600 kilometers in length and 300 kilometers wide, with Mount Wadinggton as it's tallest mountain.

        Hello everyone, my name is Connor  and I am Home schooled. I am quite passionate about snowboarding, speedcubing, kendama, juggling, and some other things. I also love being outdoors in general.